Reference no: EM13843365
Please answer these questions in your own words and not word for word from any websites.
1- Which theory of interpersonal relationship development is more accurate: social exchange or dialectical theory? Why?
2- Is it ethical to use relationship management skills to increase intimacy with another person who is not interested in being more intimate? Why?
3- Which relationship management skill is most important on the job? Why?
4- How we look at ourselves impacts how we see ourselves. Does that sound circular? It is like the difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is a physiological process. It is how the sound physically goes from the air, through our ears and into our brain. Listening is making sense of what we hear. I like to mess with my face-to-face students after we go over that chapter and ask, "did you hear me?" It's pretty cool when they catch on and start replying, "no, I was listening."
I am easily sidetracked. We can only see a minuscule portion of the world. At the back of our eyes is section that has a high concentration of cones and rods. It's called the fovea. That is the area that takes in the most information. We see bits and pieces and our brain fills in the rest.
Some mornings when you look in the mirror you can see what a bad hair day you are going to have. Yet, if you ask your friends, they won't even notice a difference. I have had fairly radical haircuts and not had my husband even notice it was different. We see things based on what we expect.
Class - Have you ever had this experience?
5- What strategies would you use to improve workplace communication? Discuss the concepts from the podcast above.Professional Relationships Transcript
6- Please reword this paragraph in your own words do not use any of the words in this paragraph.
The Video what to do're managing challenging relationships was very informative. I have used some of these tools at my current work place. Practicing setting aside your emotions to deal with difficult situations at work. About five years ago I had a mentor from my previous job who helped me to become aware that I was being emotional when it came to making work related decisions. I have learned to "sleep on it" maybe ask the employee to take a break from the discussion and return later to talk things through. I took another lesson away from the video "you cannot change people only the way you deal with them" I have found this to be so true. I can say that I forget this sometimes when it comes to my husband.
7- Managing Relationship AssignmentGrading Rubric
Create a 10-to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you analyze a current or past relationship (personal or professional) and create a strategy for managing it.
• Explain the basic facts of the relationship by answering the following questions:
• With whom did you have/do you have the relationship?
• How long did you know/have you known this person?
• At what developmental stage was/is the relationship in? How did it develop?
Explain one factor that led to a short-term relationship and one that led to a long-term relationship.
Identify which type of power relationship you have and what types of power are commonly exercised.
Explain the importance of attraction and power in the relationship.
Identify at least one area in which the relationship could have been or may be improved.