Explain one difference between the library of congress

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Reference no: EM133382485

Answer the following questions:

1. Explain one difference between the Library of Congress and the Dewey Decimal Classification systems.

2. Explain the difference between a book and a periodical.

3. Explain the difference between EIU's library catalog andother research tools such as article databases.

4. Go to the Booth Library home page:
Select the ‘Books & Movies'search tab
Perform a search on any topic of interest to you
Click on an interestingsearch result
Write the title below, followed by the call number*, and two or more subject headings used to describe what the book is about.

5. Click the ‘x' to leave the book catalog record
Return to the search result screen
Follow the link to the right of the search bar labeled ‘Advanced Search'.
Use the search filter drop down menus to search by Keyword,
by Title,
by Author/Creator and
by Subject.
Explore the different sets of results you get with different search filters.

a. How many search results do you get with your search terms when you use the...

Keyword search:

Title search: ______

Subject search: ______
(if you aren't getting any results, rethink the terms you are using and try again).

b. Which is more narrowly focused, a keyword search or a subject search?
(circle the correct answer)

Keyword Subject

6. Perform a search using the ‘Articles' search tab on the library home page.
Search a topic of your choice.
Select an article from the list of results and write the citation to the article below, using the APAcitation format.
(hint: use the citation generator provided by the database to help you use the correct format. See the example video

7. What is the name and email address of the librarian who presented to you?

Library Assignment Part 2

Think about what topic you would like to research. Using that topic find an article, create an annotated bibliography using the topic selected and discussed in class and by answering a summary question on the research process as instructed below.

• The annotated bibliography will contain 4-5 sources using a standard form/style (APA) for the reference citations.
• Of the 4-5 sources in the annotated bibliography, 1 must be a website, and the other 3-4 must be library resources (i.e. books, newspaper, magazines or journal articles accessed through the library).
• Each source listed will include a 4-6 sentence annotation describing how the information in the source is relevant to the topic of the research.
• The annotated bibliography should be typed double spaced with one inch margins top, bottom, left, and right.

Reference no: EM133382485

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