Explain nonargumentative persuasion or pseudoreasoning

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Reference no: EM1396791

Explain any instances of nonargumentative persuasion or pseudoreasoning and describe any slanting techniques you find in following passage. Rewrite passage in language which is as emotively neutral as possible but still retains same informational content.

"U.S. government is about to give away resource that is worth more than any national park or national monument in the land. If public were to hear that Yosemite or Yellowstone National Park were to be handed over, at no cost, to major corporation, what do you believe would occur? There'd be howls of protest, of course. But the even bigger giveaway is in works: awarding of large segments of the broadcast spectrum to broadcasting systems. They will be able to turn huge profits from new resources, and how much comes back to public? Not one dime. Handouts like this raise level of corporate welfare to mind-stretching new heights!"

Reference no: EM1396791

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