Explain networking devices and operations

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133119327

Unit 2 Networking - Pearson Higher Nationals inComputing

Unit code:H/615/1619

Network Principles, Devices, LAN Design, Implementation and Operations

Credit value:15


Learning Outcome 1: Examine networking principles and their protocols.

Learning Outcome 2: Explain networking devices and operations.

Learning Outcome 3: Design efficient networked systems.

Learning Outcome 4: Implement and diagnose networked systems.

LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols
Introduction to Networks:
Impact of networks on daily lives, the basic requirements of a reliable network, employment opportunities in the networking field, network common network attacks, network trends e.g., BYOD.

Role of networks:
Purpose, benefits, resource implications, communications (e.g., transmission mediums), working practice, commercial opportunity, information sharing, collaboration.
System types:
Peer-based, client-server, cloud, cluster, centralised, virtualised.
Networking standards:
Conceptual models e.g., OSI model, TCP/IP model, standards, e.g. IEEE 802.x.
Network representation Logical e.g., Ethernet, Token Ring, physical e.g. star, ring, bus, mesh, tree, ring.
Purpose of protocols, adherence, routed protocols e.g., IPv4 (addressing, subnetting, VLSM), IPv6 (addressing), Global unicast, Multicast, Link local, Unique local, EUI 64, Auto configuration, ICMP, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, SSL, management of protocols for addressing.

LO2 Explain networking devices and operations
Networking devices:
Servers, hub, routers, switches, multilayer switch (including their operating systems e.g., CISCO IOS, etc.), firewall, HIDS, repeaters, bridges, wireless devices, access point wireless/wired), content filter, Load balancer, Modem, Packet shaper, VPN concentrator.
Networking software:
Client software, server software, client operating system, server operating
system, Firewall.
Server type:
Web, file, database, combination, virtualisation, terminal services server.
Server selection:
Cost, purpose, operating system requirement.
Hardware e.g., network card, cabling, permissions, system bus, local-system architecture e.g., memory, processor, I/O devices.

LO3 Design efficient networked systems
Expected average load, anticipated peak load, local internet availability, cost constraints, throughput.
Quality expectations, concept of system growth.
Networking services and applications:
DHCP, static vs dynamic IP addressing, reservations, scopes, leases, options (DNSservers, Suffixes), IP helper, DHCP relay, DNS records, Dynamic DNS.
Suited to devices, suited to users, supportive of lifestyle desires, supportive of commercial requirements, security requirements, quality of service needs.
Able to support device growth, able to support addition of communication devices, able to cope with bandwidth use and trend changes, protocol utilisation, addressing.
Selection of components:
Supporting infrastructure needs, supporting connectivity requirements.

LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems
Installation of communication devices, allocation of addresses, local client configuration, server configuration, server installation, security considerations.
Verification of configuration and connectivity:
Installation of internet work communication medium, ping, extended ping, traceroute, telnet, SSH.
System monitoring:
Utilisation, bandwidth needs, monitoring user productivity and security of the system.
Maintenance schedule:
Backups, upgrades, security, auditing.
Diagnose and resolve layer 1 problems:
Framing, CRC, Runts, Giants, Dropped packets, late collisions, Input/Output errors.
Policy review:
Bandwidth, resource availability.

You are a member of an International Emergency Response Team that is deployed at short notice to nature disasters anywhere in the world. Each member of the team looks after specific areas of relief, from first aid, food resourcing and distribution, re-provisioning of national infrastructure including water and power. Your area of responsibility is to provide IT infrastructure to support your colleagues.

You have been told that there has been a disaster in the Indian Ocean, on a small island has been hit by a tsunami. You will be provided with one shipping container worth of IT equipment. There will be one main relief centre& comminutions centre, with several outposts. There will be approximately 100 staff with the majority working from the Silver Command. Gold command will be at HQ in Europe.

Write a design report, with consideration to the type of communication equipment, server and workstation equipmentand deployments methods to be used to commission this environment in a few days.

As part of the report, you must explain networking principles, protocols and devices to give a better understanding of the project to Gold commanders, who has limited knowledge of Network systems.

Task 1
You will need to produce a Project Report, using the template provided, for the Gold Commanders and should include the following:
1. An introduction to provide an overview of your report.
2. An explanation of networking principles, protocols and devices, including benefits and constraints of networked solutions, the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements, effectiveness of networking systems, operating principles of networking devices, server types and networking software.

Within your Project Report, ensure you are justifying your design and outlining choices made for your operational networking design. For example, you could explain cost constraints, bandwidth considerations, timescale and resource limitation and security implications.

Task 2
Following on from Task 1, you are required to design and build, with the equipment provided, a fully functioning Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN), based on a relief team of100relief co-ordinators and managers.

Attachment:- Networking Brief.rar

Reference no: EM133119327

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