Reference no: EM133363605
Questions: Students will choose an overall topic related to the objectives of this course. Topics must relate to current criminal justice issues and have relevance to subjects we will discuss during the semester. This project will allow students to demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by conducting research.
Individual Research Paper Guidelines
All individual research papers should include the following information.
Introduction: (Thesis Statement) Explain the topic that you have chosen and why it is significant to the criminal justice system. Construct a clear outline of the remaining elements of your research paper.
Background and Analysis: What are the sociological or political contexts or circumstances of the topic you have selected? Who are the key players in the issue? What is the status of the issue? What impact does this issue have on the CJ system, and why? What impact does the issue have on the public at large?
Conclusions/Recommendations: What is the probable future of your topic? Do you have any recommendations for professionals (law enforcement, correctional officials, and court officials) in the criminal justice system?
Requirements for the Research Paper
Students must include a minimum of 3 reliable and scholarly references. Students can also include images, tables, and figures as appendices (these do not count toward paper length).
Students will use reliable, valid sources including class resources, government, and non-profit agency research and reports. Academic journals, sources, and verifiable subject matter authorities can also be used. Reliable valid sources exclude websites for which it is not possible to evaluate the source and quality of information. Your text, Wikipedia, and other references of its type are NOT VALID resources and are not to be used.
Choose one of the topics below.
- Explain the nature of deviance and apply theoretical explanations.
- Analyze the societal response and power dynamics involved with deviant behavior.
- Formulate strategies for dealing with specific criminal deviants and relate those strategies in a rehabilitative way.
- Explain the sources of criminal and non-criminal deviance.
- To explore and evaluate historical and emerging deviant groups