Reference no: EM13732694
Choose one of the topics below and develop a three to four paragraph essay which adequately address the topic you have chosen.
Topic Choices:
1. There have been many theories regarding how the pyramids at Giza were constructed. Most experts agree that they were constructed as burial monuments for pharaohs, but "how" these ancient people constructed monuments of such great size without modern machinery is a mystery which is still being debated.
2. No one can say for certain what happened to the Mayan people, but theories abound and include varied possible alternatives to explain the abrupt and mysterious disappearance of the Mayan civilization.
3. Tutankhamen died young, at around 18 years of age. However, his cause of death has not been confirmed. Did he die of an injury, of illness, or was he murdered?
4. Considered the "Mummy's Curse," a series of unexplainable, unfortunate, or tragic events that happened to the people who were present at the opening of Tutankhamen's tomb.
5. There has always been debate about the identity of the poet Homer, the presumed author of The Illiad and The Odyssey. Was he a real person or not?
6. The monumental size and complexity of the Tomb of Shihuangdi is astounding. It is believed that the workers were forced to remain inside the tomb when it was walled shut so they would not reveal the secrets of its construction. What was the emperor's purpose for such an elaborate burial place?
7. Other topic choice recommended and approved by the professor and supported by the grading rubric.
Write a 3-4 paragraph paper in which you:
1. Clearly state the "mystery" and provide a brief summary of at least two reasonable and scholarly theories which could explain the mystery. Because some theories may sound far-fetched, include the source or promoter of each theory - such as a scientist, a historian, a theologian, etc.
2. Identify one of the theories as the most plausible and provide at least two convincing reasons why the theory you have chosen is the best one to explain the mystery.
3. Use at least two sources besides the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. You are highly encouraged to use the Resource Center tab at the top of your Blackboard page.
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