Explain modern quality practices

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13198079

Students will research Ishikawa's life and work to determine the impact he has had on the world. Students will define his significant contributions to modern quality practices in terms of major impacts in a specific organization. The project will enable students to understand

The key ideas of Ishikawa;
How he has influenced quality practices throughout the world;
How his ideas fit into total quality management; and
The implications of Ishikawa's ideas for the future of quality.

A possible outline of the paper is provided below.

Give an overview of the paper.
State the purpose and the importance of the effort.
Give his background and life history (education, family life, living situations, etc.).
Primary work and significant accomplishments
Summarize his philosophy.
Summarize what he was focused on accomplishing, in terms of quality.
Review and highlight his books, articles, and manuscripts.
Give a detailed description of his key ideas, concepts, and approach to quality.
Describe what results he achieved from his life's work.
Summarize his influence on quality and on total quality management (TQM).
Summarize the key points of the paper.

Reference no: EM13198079

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