Explain market segmentation- pricing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131293493 , Length: 2

Article 1:Does Trade regionalism increase stock market segmentation within a trading bloc?

Article 2:Improving Marketing's Contribution to New Product Deveploment.

you invented a product - this week you will create a chart showing price vs quality or two other factors that impact your product.

Write a 2 page paper stating your USP - unique selling proposition. Explain market segmentation, pricing or anything else that would help position your product for success in the marketplace and include your chart on the second page.

• Your Paper should be double spaced, Times New Roman with standard margins. (Remember, the chart should go on a separate page).
Include a cover sheet and 2-3 references. Only one website reference will be allowed (not Wikipedia). Please adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th ed., 2nd printing when writing and submitting assignments and papers.

Please make sure the page have a reference page. Please include paraphrased citations and references for each paper. I do not allow direct quotes. If no minimum is listed, I would expect at least two sources from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (the text can count as one of the two sources). Cite consistently throughout each paragraph to support your points. Also be sure to double-space and indent paragraphs. I do not require an abstract. I would like to see an introduction, body and conclusion within your papers. If you need help please see the example APA paper on my writing help page.



Reference no: EM131293493

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