Explain key considerations and steps involved in negotiating

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Reference no: EM133728687

Conduct a feasibility study

Question 1

Answer the following questions:
a. Why is it essential to consider statutory and legal approvals when conducting a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

b. Explain the process involved in obtaining statutory and legal approvals during a feasibility study.

c. How can a misinterpretation of tender specifications impact the feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

d. Describe the key steps involved in accurately interpreting tender specifications for a feasibility study.

e. Why is effective negotiation and contract finalisation crucial in the context of a feasibility study within the resources and infrastructure industries?

f. Explain the key considerations and steps involved in negotiating and finalising contracts during a feasibility study.

g. How can effective change management practices positively impact the feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

h. Describe the key steps involved in implementing change within the context of a feasibility study.

i. Why is a thorough understanding of worksite operations important when conducting a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

j. Explain the key factors that need to be considered when assessing worksite operations during a feasibility study.

k. How does the application of quality assurance principles contribute to the success of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

l. Describe the key steps involved in implementing quality assurance principles during a feasibility study.

a. Why is it important to consider human resource policies and practices when conducting a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

b. Explain how effective human resource policies and practices can enhance the feasibility study process.

a. How do industrial awards and enterprise agreements impact the conduct of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

b. Describe the key considerations and steps involved in managing industrial awards and enterprise agreements during a feasibility study.

c. Why is thorough business planning essential when conducting a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

d. Explain the key components of a comprehensive business plan that should be considered in the context of a feasibility study.

e. How does the alignment of organisational objectives with the feasibility study impact decision-making and project success in the resources and infrastructure industries?

f. Describe the key steps involved in establishing and maintaining organisational objectives throughout a feasibility study.

g. Why is the application of risk management principles, strategies, and techniques crucial in the context of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

h. Explain the key components of a comprehensive risk management plan for a feasibility study.

i. How do considerations related to site products and services impact the feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

j. Describe the key factors that need to be considered when assessing site products and services during a feasibility study.

k. Why is maintaining positive customer/client relations important during a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

l. Describe the key strategies for effectively managing customer/client relations during a feasibility study.

Question 2

Answer the following questions:

a. How does a thorough understanding of site plant and equipment contribute to the success of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

b. Describe the key factors that need to be considered when assessing site plant and equipment during a feasibility study.

a. Why is effective team management essential for the successful execution of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

b. Explain the key strategies and techniques for effective team management during a feasibility study.

c. How does resource quantification contribute to the accuracy of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

d. Describe the key steps involved in quantifying resources effectively during a feasibility study.

e. Why are financial models crucial for conducting a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

f. Explain the key components and techniques involved in developing effective financial models for a feasibility study.

g. How does an understanding of organisational change and development principles impact the feasibility study process in the resources and infrastructure industries?

h. Describe the key strategies and techniques for managing organisational change and development during a feasibility study.

i. Why is environmental management essential in the context of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

j. Describe the key considerations and steps involved in effective environmental management during a feasibility study.

k. How does a strong focus on work health and safety contribute to the success of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

a. Explain the key strategies and practices for maintaining a strong focus on work health and safety during a feasibility study.

b. Why are computer applications and technology proficiency important for conducting a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

c. Describe the key computer applications and software tools that are valuable for a feasibility study in these industries.

d. How do effective negotiation techniques impact the feasibility study process in the resources and infrastructure industries?

r. Describe the key negotiation techniques and strategies that are valuable for conducting negotiations during a feasibility study.

Question 3
Answer the following questions:
a. Why is the identification of relevant hazards and emergencies crucial in the context of conducting a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

b. Explain the key steps involved in the systematic identification of relevant hazards and emergencies during a feasibility study.

Question 4
Answer the following questions:
a. How does effective coordination and communication of job activities with others contribute to the success of a feasibility study in the resources and infrastructure industries?

b. Describe the key techniques and strategies for coordinating and communicating job activities with others during a feasibility study.


Instructions for the Student
This assessment will be conducted in the AEC simulated environment (classroom) with access to the resources listed above.
You are required to read the instructions and demonstrate your skills by conducting a feasibility study on at least two occasions, including:
• Preparing a complete feasibility proposal
• Successfully conducting a feasibility study
• Preparing operating budgets and forecast trends to manage and control operating costs
• Analysing and reviewing production costs versus equipment and plant operating costs
• Evaluating new and used equipment using appropriate techniques
• Monitoring and maintaining plant and equipment
• Accessing and using appropriate technologies
• Negotiating with internal and external customers, community and statutory and legal authorities
• Resolving or managing conflict throughout feasibility study activity
• Managing project and task allocations and all associated outcomes
• Preparing and presenting feasibility proposal to management.
During the above, you must:
• Locate and apply relevant documentation, policies and procedures and confirm that the work activity is compliant
• Implement the requirements, procedures and techniques for conducting a feasibility study
• Work effectively with others to conduct a feasibility study in a way that meets all required outcomes
• Communicate clearly and concisely with others to receive and clarify work instructions.

Case Scenario

A medium-sized mining company in Western Australia is exploring the feasibility of expanding its operations into a new area. The company is considering various factors, including environmental impact, community engagement, potential market growth, operational costs, and compliance with Australian mining regulations.

You are assigned the role ofPrimary Researcher and Analyst for the company's feasibility study team. Your task is to prepare a comprehensive feasibility proposal for the proposed expansion.

Part 1 Overview
This part requires youto review and understand the project brief provided by XYZ Mining Company's management, focusing on identifying key deliverables, deadlines, and expectations for the feasibility study.

Scenario 1 (Roleplay Task)
During the initial stages of the project, as you delve into the specifics of the proposed expansion in Western Australia, you come across potential ambiguity regarding the project scope. The project brief emphasizes the importance of evaluating the environmental impact of the proposed expansion in Western Australia, but there is no explicit guidance on the specific environmental factors that should be considered or the methodologies to be employed.
Scenario 2 (Roleplay Task)
As the Primary Researcher for the feasibility study on the expansion of XYZ Mining Company's operations in Western Australia, you initiate collaborative discussions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the project brief. The project team comprises of Research Analyst, Regulatory Specialist, Risk Management Officer and Environmental Consultant.
Part 1: Instructions
For this part of the assessment, you are required to:
1. Read the provided Project Brief for Feasibility Study and refer to the provided Scenario 1 and participate in the roleplay task to receive and clarify work instructions.
2. Refer to the provided Scenario 2 and participate in the roleplay task to conduct a brainstorming session to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the project brief.
3. Thoroughly read and analyse the provided project brief and identify the main objectives, key deliverables (such as the feasibility report and presentation), and the overall timeline for the project.
4. List and elaborate on the deliverables mentioned in the brief, understanding their significance in the context of the feasibility study.
5. Recognise and note all the deadlines associated with the project stages, from initial research to the final presentation.
6. Understand and document the expectations of XYZ Mining Company in terms of quality, depth of research, and presentation of findings.
7. Using MS Word, prepare a summary document outlining their understanding of the work requirements.


Part 2 Overview
This part requires youto effectively gather and use key documentation that will inform and support the feasibility study.

1. Access and Review Key Documents:
Guideline: Describe the process of identifying and accessing relevant company records, historical feasibility studies, and environmental reports.
Expected Outcome: A clear account of how each document was sourced and its relevance to the project.

2. Understand Environmental Impact:
Guideline: Explain the environmental implications of the mining expansion as gleaned from the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
Expected Outcome: A concise summary of potential environmental effects and mitigation strategies.

3. Apply Historical Data:
Guideline: Discuss how historical feasibility studies inform the current project.
Expected Outcome: Insight into how past projects' data, challenges, and successes are applicable to the current study.

4. Compliance with Regulations:
Guideline: Detail how Australian mining regulations and guidelines have been applied to ensure legal compliance of the project.
Expected Outcome: Demonstration of understanding of regulatory requirements and their application in the feasibility study.

5. Synthesise Information:
Guideline: Illustrate the integration of findings from various documents into a cohesive understanding.
Expected Outcome: A narrative that combines disparate information into a unified context for the project.

6. Identify Gaps or Inconsistencies:
Guideline: Identify and articulate any gaps or inconsistencies found in the documentation.
Expected Outcome: A critical analysis highlighting areas needing further research or clarification.

7. Effective Research Techniques:
Guideline: Describe the methods used for researching and verifying information.
Expected Outcome: A demonstration of systematic and reliable research techniques.

8. Analysis of Environmental Reports:
Guideline: Provide a detailed analysis of the environmental reports, focusing on key findings and their implications.
Expected Outcome: A deep understanding of the environmental aspects of the project, including risks and mitigation measures.

9. Understanding of Mining Regulations:
Guideline: Explain how the Australian mining regulations impact the project and how they have been interpreted in the context of the feasibility study.
Expected Outcome: A comprehensive understanding of legal constraints and requirements.

10. Effective Communication of Findings:
Guideline: Outline how the findings from the study will be effectively communicated to stakeholders.
Expected Outcome: Strategies for clear, concise, and impactful communication of the research findings.


Part 3 Overview
This part requires youto analyse XYZ Mining Company's proposed expansion in Western Australia in the context of the company's long-term goals, drawing comparisons and insights from online research on similar organisation in the mining sector.
Part 3: Instructions
For this part of the assessment, you are required to:
1. Conduct comprehensive online research on at least one other mining company that have undertaken similar expansion projects
2. Focus on understanding their strategic goals, market growth, community engagement strategies, and approaches to sustainability and regulatory compliance.
3. Compare the findings from other organisations with the goals and objectives of XYZ Mining Company
4. Identify best practices, common challenges, and innovative strategies that can be applied to XYZ Mining Company's expansion.
5. Using Part 3 Research Report Template, develop a comprehensive report that summarises the research findings and provides strategic recommendations


Part 4 Overview
This part requires youto conduct a SWOT analysis of a Perth-based mining company's current operations and the potential expansion area, drawing insights from research to develop strategies for successful project implementation.
Part 4: Instructions
For this part of the assessment, you are required to:
1. Conduct SWOT Analysis:
• Strengths:
- Strong market position in Perth due to established industry relationships.
- Advanced technology implementation in mining operations.
• Weaknesses:
- Limited experience in large-scale expansions.
- Dependence on local Perth market, with minimal international exposure.
• Opportunities:
- Growing global demand for minerals, opening avenues for export.
- Potential partnerships with international mining firms.
• Threats:
- Increasing environmental regulations in Western Australia.
- Competitive pressure from larger global mining companies.
2. Utilise established relationships to facilitate expansion approvals and community engagement.
Expand the use of advanced technology to new expansion areas for efficient operations
3. Develop a team with experience in managing large-scale mining projects. Explore market diversification strategies to reduce dependence on the Perth market.
4. Initiate market research to identify potential international markets for exports. Seek strategic partnerships or alliances with international mining companies for knowledge and resource sharing.
5. Invest in environmentally sustainable mining practices to comply with evolving regulations. Implement competitive strategies like cost optimisation and unique value propositions to withstand global competition.


Instructions for Students: Conduct comprehensive research to inform each aspect of the SWOT analysis.
For each section of the SWOT analysis, provide a detailed and justified explanation based on your research.
In the strategy development section, ensure that your strategies are directly aligned with the findings from the SWOT analysis.
Provide clear, concise, and well-structured responses in each section.
Use the conclusion to summarise your analysis and reflect on the process and its outcomes.
1. Introduction
Brief Overview of the Activity:
Describe the purpose of conducting a SWOT analysis for a Perth-based mining company.
State the relevance of this analysis to the proposed expansion project.
2. Research Methodology
Data Sources:
List the sources of information used for the SWOT analysis (e.g., industry reports, academic journals).
Research Approach:
Describe the approach taken for researching and analysing the mining company and industry trends.
3. SWOT Analysis
[Space for student to fill out strengths based on research]
[Space for student to fill out weaknesses based on research]
[Space for student to fill out opportunities based on research]
[Space for student to fill out threats based on research]
4. Strategy Development
Leveraging Strengths:
[Space for student to outline strategies to leverage identified strengths]

Addressing Weaknesses:
[Space for student to outline strategies to address identified weaknesses]
Capitalising on Opportunities:
[Space for student to outline strategies to Capitalise on identified opportunities]
Mitigating Threats:
[Space for student to outline strategies to mitigate identified threats]
5. Conclusion
Summary of Findings:
Provide a brief summary of the key points from the SWOT analysis and proposed strategies.
Reflection on Learning:
Reflect on what was learned through this activity and its importance to the feasibility study.
6. References
Cited Works:
List all sources referenced in the analysis, following appropriate citation guidelines.


This part requires youto develop a complete feasibility proposal for two mining organisations, applying the learned skills in research, analysis, and strategic planning. This involves a detailed evaluation of various facets of the proposed expansion projects

Scenario 1
XYZ Mining Company, an established player in the mining industry, is planning a strategic expansion into a new region, the Pilbara in Western Australia. The company aims to tap into the region's rich mineral resources, but this expansion comes with unique challenges and opportunities. The Pilbara is known for its diverse ecosystems, including fragile biodiversity and significant Indigenous cultural sites. The success of the project hinges on effective stakeholder engagement, balancing economic interests, environmental sustainability, and cultural considerations.

Part 5: InstructionsFor this part of the assessment, you are required to:

1. Choose organisations with a similar scale and market focus to XYZ Mining Company. Organisations should be considering an expansion in operations, preferably within Western Australia or similar mining environments.Ensure that sufficient data and documentation are available for conducting a comprehensive study.
2. Develop a feasibility proposal for each selected organisation using Part 5 Feasibility Proposal Templates, encompassing all key aspects like environmental impact, market analysis, and financial viability.
3. Apply methodologies and techniques learned in previous parts to conduct a thorough feasibility study for each organisation.
4. Prepare operating budgets, forecast trends, and analyse production costs versus operating costs
5. Evaluate both new and used equipment, utilising appropriate assessment techniques
6. Read Scenario 1 and engage with stakeholders and manage communications effectively. (This is a Roleplay task).
7. Deliver a convincing presentation of the feasibility proposals.

Roleplay Script for Primary Researcher and Analyst 

• You are the Primary Researcher and Analyst responsible for conducting a feasibility study for XYZ Mining Company's strategic expansion into the Pilbara region in Western Australia.
• Start by acknowledging the diverse perspectives and concerns of stakeholders in the Pilbara region.
• Express your commitment to conducting a thorough feasibility study that balances economic, environmental, and cultural considerations.
• When interacting with Local Indigenous Communities representatives, show empathy and respect for their cultural and environmental perspectives.
• Acknowledge the significance of the area to their communities and express the company's commitment to preserving cultural heritage and sustaining the environment.
• Demonstrate a proactive approach towards environmental preservation.
• Emphasize the company's dedication to sustainable and eco-friendly mining practices.
• Discuss plans for minimizing ecological footprints and adopting advanced technologies.
• Acknowledge the importance of regulatory compliance and adherence to legal requirements.
• Provide details on the legal and regulatory framework in place and the company's commitment to compliance.
• Ensure transparent communication and collaboration to address concerns.
• Address economic benefits and risks associated with the mining expansion.
• Express the company's commitment to community engagement, job opportunities, and fair compensation.
• Discuss plans for minimizing disruptions to daily life, infrastructure, and property values.
• Demonstrate an open and collaborative approach to resolving conflicts.
• Establish a conflict resolution framework focusing on open dialogue and community benefit initiatives.
• Emphasize the importance of addressing concerns and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Reference no: EM133728687

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