Reference no: EM131902493
Question: Explain a key concept involved in managing information systems. Include Intro, Thesis, and Conclusion with transitional sentences.
Throughout the course there are numerous key concepts and terms that are presented regarding the management of information systems. Please read 1 of the following articles, and then write a 1-page summary. Within the summary, be sure to relate key concepts involved in managing information systems to current practices.
Articles: • Karim, A. J. (2011). The significance of management information systems for enhancing strategic and tactical planning. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management: JISTEM, 8(2), 459-470.
• Abdul-Mumin S. (2014). An analysis and implementation of an information management system for students and staffs. I-Manager's Journal on Information Technology, 3(3), 9-19.
• Faber, N., MBM, d. K., & Smidts, A. (2013). Organizing warehouse management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(9), 1230-1256.