Explain individual differences in behavior

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Reference no: EM133622228


Question I. Should governors have issued closure orders for all but essential businesses in the early spring of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Be sure to complete an ethical analysis that includes the following steps: identify the facts, identify the values and concepts, and identify dilemmas and resolve them.

Question II. You are on a lifeboat along with four others. You have enough food and water to keep only four people alive for the several weeks you expect to be adrift until you float into a shipping lane and can be discovered and rescued. You will all parish if the five of you consume all the food and water. There is the suggestion that one of you should die so the other four can live.

Question III. Would you volunteer to commit suicide? Would you vote to have one go overboard if you choose by straws? Would you vote to throw overboard the weakest and least healthy of the five?

Question IV. If you were on a jury judging the behavior of four who did murder a fifth to stay alive, would you acquit them or convict them of murder?

Question V. Would your answer be different if the murdered victim were your son or daughter?

Question VI. How do psychological theories attempt to explain individual differences in behavior? What do you believe are some cultural and societal influences on ethical behavior?

Question VII. Review and explain the factors that have been shown to sometimes lead to wrongful convictions. How does the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Shinn v. Ramirez factor into this equation? Do you agree with the Courts 6-3 decision?

Question VIII. Research/Review the case of Detective Russell Poole and the LAPD. Identify and discuss the ethical systems represented by the actions of the detective.

Reference no: EM133622228

Questions Cloud

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How do these structures differ from the adult versions : How do these question structures differ from the adult versions? Show the trees (with movement arrows where appropriate).
How the encounter differed from that one : Identify another recent conversation and how this encounter differed from that one. Include relevant, supporting example and appropriate textbook citations.
Explain individual differences in behavior : How do psychological theories attempt to explain individual difference in behavior? What do you believe are cultural and societal influences on ethical behavior
What are three major challenges facing america today : What do you feel are three major challenges facing America today and why do you see these as such serious issues?
Do you believe that this defendant should be found guilty : Do you believe that this defendant should be found guilty or not guilty and why? What sentence do you believe would be appropriate?
What were the three most important themes to you : Do you agree with his premise that the world is too loud? What were the three most important themes to you? Why?
What if the driver were a fellow police officer : What would you do? What if the driver were a fellow police officer? What if it were a high school friend?


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