Reference no: EM131995786
Imagine that you are working with a school group of low-income 6th graders in an urban area on getting them more active.
There are no free gyms or safe playgrounds in the area, but the 6th graders are more than interested in getting outside more often to play. Based on behavior change theory suggestions from your classmate, explain in detail your approach to this dilemma. Regina One method of behavior change is the theory of planned behavior.
This method is based upon the idea that people utilize data they have learned to influence their actions (Boslaugh, 2013). An example of this method is demonstrated in a study using fourth, fifth and sixth graders who were taught over a series of four lessons about fruit and vegetable groups and intake along with ways to overcome whatever it is that may divert them from consuming fruits and vegetables.
Three months after the training, there was a significant increase in the amount of fruits and vegetables eaten among the students in this group (Taghdisi, Babazadeh, Moradi & Shariat, 2016). Another behavior change method is the transtheoretical model which is when people incorporate new actions through a series of stages and improvements to bring about change in behaviors (McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray, 2012). There was a study conducted where 145 individuals established fitness goals by concentrating on seven behavior modifications instead of only implementing one change.
The modifications included effect time management, trying new foods and fitness routines, putting for the effort to intentionally avoid temptations, and having cheat days (Crossman, 2016).
Despite the personal benefits, influencing people to make changes to improve their health can be very difficult. Using behavior change theories to influence the effectiveness of health education is a logical idea because the concepts that these theories are comprised of the help develop, implement and assess health programs.
These theories can be used to help understand why people do not adopt healthy habits, provide a foundation for intervention programs and give guidance for elements of health plans. Behavior theories are also good for establishing an originating point to keep studies on a clear path. Time and money can be lost when health education specialists do not employ theories to influence behavior (McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray, 2012).