Explain in detail the feed and the product streams

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM131730409

Aim - The aim of the module is to make student understand the different types of control loops, and to gain knowledge on measurement sensors It also aims making the students gain knowledge about the various techniques of communicating the measured results throughout a process plant.

Laming Outcomes

To enable the student to understand Process control principles, block diagram presentation, piping and instrumentation diagram, analog and clgital processing. transducer speulicaborts and sensor time response.

To make students gain knowledge in the Process characteristics, control parameters, two position control mode, and multipostbon mode, floating control mode, continuous controller modes, PI PD and PID controller modes.

To understand the various Control system configurations, analog control, supervisory and digital control loop disturbance, stability criterion and process loop tuning

To possess knowledge on the Types of pressure measurement, dynamic pressure systems, manometers. mechanical pressure measurements.


Assignment report based on visit to industry

Large number of process industries are located in and around Oman. The CW focusses on a study based on a visit to any one of such process industries. A study on the process control principles and instrumentation methods followed by the industry should be carried out by the student. A report in the following structure should be submitted with the given specifications.

Structure of Report:

Give the details of the industry and the process chosen for study.

Develop a simple Process & Instrumentation Diagram of any one process from the industry

Explain in detail the Feed and the Product streams

Identify and explain the types of pumps, valves, equipments and signals in the Process & Instrumentation diagramin detail the Feed and the Product streams

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This report is about a closed loop ice storage machine. The concept is first explained by means of block diagram, followed by the P&ID which uses some special standard symbols and notations to explain the control loops available in the ice making machine with brine. This specially explains about the salty water ice making and storage system. The components present in the diagram, the input and output, all the manipulated and control variables are also explained. The working principle, its advantages has been explained. The paper has been prepared in Microsoft office words.

Reference no: EM131730409

Questions Cloud

Approves or denies physician privileges : How can a medical practice or hospital that approves or denies physician privileges within their organization manage their concern of aging physicians?
Identify where the culture needs improvement : Identify where the culture needs improvement. Then write what action(s) should be taken to improve the culture and how the action(s) could improve
What will be digby book value : If next year, assets decrease by $4,000,000 and liabilities increase by $2,000,000, what will be Digby's book value
Explain at least one version of social contract theory : Explain the idea that society should be based on virtue by discussing Confucius, Plato, and /or Aristotle
Explain in detail the feed and the product streams : Develop a simple Process &Instrumentation Diagram of any one process from the industry - Explain in detail the Feed and the Product streams
Bankruptcy law attempt to balance : Bankruptcy law attempt to balance the right of the debtors and the creditors. In the distribution of the debtor's estate, secured creditors take priority.
Explain intersectionality : Explain at least one social philosophy from the textbook. For instance, you might discuss utilitarianism, Rawls, Marx, Nozick, Du Bois, King, or Beauvoir.
Define how many shares will he have to sell in first year : If Nandal keeps his money in Sugarcooky but needs to maintain his current income, how many shares will he have to sell in the first year
Macro environments of an organization : Define "open systems" and describe the internal, competitive, and macro environments of an organization.



11/20/2017 5:09:18 AM

Please hire a professional tutor for this assignments. The student said We must vist a industrial company and then we should choose a particular closed loop system and do an assigment about the loop we have chosen. Please make sure if the tutor can do it. The student said maximum 2000 words. And he said that the tutor should talk about the ice maker machine which is a closed loop system...i will send you the picture of the machine attachment 3. He also said that I just what the assigment to be solved in the questions which needed explanation in paragraphs i will do the diagrams by my self... So please ask the tutor if he can and please be 100%. If he can .

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