Explain important components that HR department manage

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132159909


Learning Outcomes - On successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Examine and evaluate key management concepts and principles.
  • Examine different frameworks to analyze organizational systems.
  • Evaluate and contrast the factors and forces managers must confront both internally and externally in the organization.
  • Examine the purpose of an organization, the importance of management, the management functions, and the notion of an organization as a network of systems.
  • Review and compare the components of the organization's environment, their effect, significance, purpose, and impact on an organization.
  • Relate and differentiate the areas of decision-making, the various types of decisions made in the organization, the concept of problem definition, and the various approaches to decision-making.
  • Critically assess management literature and terminology.

Assessment - Answer questions in an essay format. Clearly detail his/her analysis using the appropriate theories, concepts and examples to support his/her position and motivation of their proposed argument. A clear transition of ideas and coherence of the argumentation are important to structure the work and must structure his/her work using an introduction, a body of analysis section/main discussion section, and a conclusion.

Choose one of the following topics - Choose topic number 3

1. Assume you are an IT project manager at a consumer electronics company and currently cooperating with other project managers from research, production, and marketing departments on a major product to launch into a new market. You notice that the marketing manager is not attending all your reunions but rather attends meetings with the senior management. Every time the marketing manager attends the manager's meeting, he sends the minutes of the meeting to all project managers with the senior management in cc. You are also aware that sometimes when you and the other project managers are working on the project, the marketing manager is attending private events with senior managers. What is your evaluation of this behavior? As project manager, what do you recommend as appropriate action?

2. Russia and Brazil are re-emerging economic powerhouses with many business opportunities. Explain the challenges that your company may face when entering these two national economies. Your answer should reflect on: (i) how would your approach to doing business with the Russian authorities be (ii) different from your approach to doing business with Brazil?

3. A company operating in the beer industry has experienced falling sales during the last 4 years. The market features have drastically changed, and the sales and marketing teams are unable to clearly position their product line. The Human Resource Department launched a diversity policy to acquire new talents in sales and marketing. Explain the important components that the HR department must manage to attain successful goals on a short and medium term.

4. A company operating in real-estate in Dubai has been acquired by Norwegian shareholders. A new CEO and staff have been appointed with new visions and missions for the organization that are to be immediately implemented. After thoroughly presenting the Path-Goal Theory, analyze which leadership style that should be carried out during this transition period.

5. Peter studied mechanical engineering and did his Master's recently. Together with some colleagues he developed a battery that can be charged within 8 minutes and that can produce enough energy to move a car. The development and the production of the battery are supposed to cost millions, but the forecasted demand is tremendous. Peter and his colleagues are working part time for a production company to finance their living. What kind of financing would you suggest for these entrepreneurs to get their business running, and why would you suggest that? What are the drawbacks of other financing strategies?

6. Barbara is the new head of the R&D of a software company. The started 12 years ago as an intern in the company. After being employed, she soon became senior manager and a few years later she became responsible for the development of one of the major products. Now that the old R&D head left the company, the board selected her because of the focus on results and her huge technical experience. During the last years the company showed a tremendous growth and hired a lot of new people of different abilities, personalities, and cultures. Conflicts have been managed by the former boss with ease because he spends hours walking around and talking to his employees. Please explain the challenges of Barbara by drawing on situational leadership and behavioral theories. Your answer should also focus on the advantages and disadvantages, including an explanation on how Barbara can use this in real life.

Structure of the Presentation

  • Cover page
  • The Table of Contents
  • Introduction: Background, Scope, Method of Investigation, Research Question, Research Objectives
  • Discussion/Body of Analysis: Analysis using theories and models studied in class; use of facts, figures, graphs and visual material
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix

Note - Please provide solutions for my part of questions no 3. In That my part is "Present this analysis to the HR management. The explain the approach HR will implement to hire and improve existing the culture and human capital. Explain the important components that the HR department must manage to attain successful goals on a short and medium term."

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The incorporation of new advent in developing a better human capital and organizational culture and incorporating it in the practices of human resource management to enhance the sales revenue generated by a beer industry. The proposed solutions has been devised according to the marketing trends in the beer ndustry.

Reference no: EM132159909

Questions Cloud

Completely satisfied with the quality of care : This year's patient HCAPS survey indicates that patients are not completely satisfied with the quality of care, as indicated by a score of 60%.
The decision to implement the corporate social plan : Businesses created in the United States are required to comply with U.S. laws and must act ethically.
Test the concepts and knowledge already acquired : When you look at expressive leaderly learning it requires that we "test "the concepts and knowledge already acquired through books and lectures.
Evaluate the amusement park system : The Twelve-stars traveling amusement park has recently set up operation in the East Bay. Explain the model you used to evaluate the amusement park system.
Explain important components that HR department manage : MCO101 MANAGEMENT SKILLS ASSIGNMENT - Explain the important components that the HR department must manage to attain successful goals on a short and medium term
Write discussion in one paragraph of given post : Please, respond to the following discussion in one paragraph, using only one reference from peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than years.
Payment period for organization when dealing with vendors : What is the average payment period for an organization when dealing with vendors?
What threats exist for the organization : What are the current strategies in other functional areas such as HR and info systems? What strengths exist for the organization?
What fiscal policies may make your products more attractive : Global trade is an essential part of almost every economy on the planet. What fiscal policies may make your products more attractive?



11/4/2018 11:06:38 PM

No Of Pages/Words - 5 slides. Hi Team, I have attached a file in that 3rd page topic number 3 is my question. In That my part is "Present this analysis to the HR management. The explain the approach HR will implement to hire and improve existing the culture and human capital ".Explain the important components that the HR department must manage to attain successful goals on a short and medium term." Kindly provide me solutions for my part of questions. I need it as soon as possible by today. Please let me know for any questions. Thanks!


11/4/2018 11:06:33 PM

This assignment introduces the concepts of effective management in organizational settings. It aims to cover a broad range of management functions, including organizational processes associated with the function of management - planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The course also considers the relationship between an individual and an organization, including between the organization and the society in which it operates.


11/4/2018 11:06:27 PM

Final Exam: Week 10 (50%) The student must answer two questions in an essay format. The student must clearly detail his/her analysis using the appropriate theories, concepts and examples to support his/her position and motivation of their proposed argument. A clear transition of ideas and coherence of the argumentation are important to structure the work. The student must structure his/her work using an introduction, a body of analysis section/main discussion section, and a conclusion. Group Presentation: Week 6 (50%) - Each group will present a topic for 15min., including 5min. for questions. The PowerPoint must be uploaded onto Moodle. A section will be created by the lecturer. Harvard referencing must be used for the group presentation, and in the document to be uploaded onto Moodle.


11/4/2018 11:06:22 PM

Grading Criteria - Introduction, Objective and Content (70%): Project objective, Clarity of content, Quality of content (background, methodology, findings, etc.), Originality and complexity of the project, Significance of the project (to the field of study and management) and Support the main points. Organization (10%): Appropriate use of media, Smooth transition between topics, Logical flow of sections/ideas, Clear thesis and supporting data and Informative and clear project summary. Delivery (20%): Professional and confident, Engaged with audience, Clear voice with good pace, Command of language/avoiding jargon and Response to questions.

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