Reference no: EM133255617
Focus on a dichotomy based upon the beginning initial of your last name, which is noted after each dichotomy in the list below (e.g., students with last names A-E focus on mood vs. affect). Note: Your Instructor may adjust the letter designation based on class make-up in order to equally distribute topics.
Mood vs. Affect (A-D)
Judgement vs. Insight (E-H)
Thought Content vs. Thought Process (I-L)
Congruent vs. Incongruent (M-P)
Memory, Remote vs. Immediate (Q-T)
Suicidal vs. Homicidal Ideation (U-Z)
Explain the importance of performing a Mental Status Examination (MSE).
Briefly define each term in your assigned dichotomy of terms.
Explain the key differences between your assigned terms and how each of these differences are critical to describing a client.
Explain why it is important to understand nuances of terminology to master its effective use.