Explain importance of orientation to your company

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Reference no: EM132706592

Question: Could you help answer this Benefits of Orientation for me with the Case on top.

You work for a small Marketing Communications Company - WOW Marketing!! WOW has recently hired 2 employees for the downtown Toronto office. These 2 new employees are remotely joining an existing team of 50 employees. You have been asked to create an ½ day - 4 hour orientation for these new employees. Keep in mind what will change from a traditionally on-site orientation to a remote orientation.

Benefits of Orientation

Explain the importance and benefits of orientation to your company - WOW Marketing. Ensure that your answer is specific to WOW Marketing!! What is particularly important about Orientations in a "covid - world"? How will you "connect" your employees and encourage your company culture?

Reference no: EM132706592

Questions Cloud

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Explain importance of orientation to your company : Explain the importance and benefits of orientation to your company - WOW Marketing. Ensure that your answer is specific to WOW Marketing!
Explain how the choice will benefit your organization : Explain how this choice will benefit your organization. Finally, develop a hiring strategy for the new location, taking into consideration what you have learned
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