Explain importance of developing strategy for navigation

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1364110

1. Explain the concept of "Form Follows Function" as it pertains to the three main areas of design (FAB). Identify ways in which a portfolio designer works within the limitations of the media technology (Functionality).

2. Discuss the importance of developing a strategy for the navigation, and describe the common navigation elements.Navigation is a very important part of your portfolio. Let's really get into the technicalities of navigational architecture."

Reference no: EM1364110

Questions Cloud

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Explain how many workers will they hire at this wage : Suppose that workers can be hired competitively at a wage of $200. Explain how many workers will they hire at this wage.
How big is the current : A hockey puck is sliding across a frozen pond with an initial speed of 9.7 ms. It comes to rest after sliding a distance of 44.0 m. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between puck and ice.
Fundamental accounting model : What is the fundamental accounting model? Explain what debit and credit mean? What is a journal entry?
Explain importance of developing strategy for navigation : Discuss the importance of developing a strategy for the navigation, and describe the common navigation elements. Navigation is a very important part of your portfolio.
Find expected value of outcomes : A project has following projected outcomes in dollars: $250, $350, and $500. The probabilities of their outcomes are 25 percent, 50 percent, nad 25 percent respectively.
Personal barriers to effective communication : Example of personal barriers to effective communication included people distorting the encoding or decoding of their message according to their frames of reference or their beliefs and values.
What is the charge per unit area on the plastic sheet : What is the charge per unit area on the plastic sheet.
Computing the present value of all cash flows : Computing the present value of all cash flows associated with the new equipment minus the salvage value of the old asset,


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