Reference no: EM133359824
Question: Share your perspective on language in the workplace and you will examine the perspectives of your classmates. Be sure to review the assigned readings before you begin this discussion.
Assigned Readings:
McWhorter, J. (2012, August 13). Good applicants with bad grammar. New York Times.
Rushkoff, D. (2013, January 30). It's not just grammar: It's clear thinking. New York Times.
Haussamen, B. (2012, August 13). What good writing indicates, and doesn't. New York Times.
Truss, L. (2012, August 13).The harm when schools play down grammar. New York Times.
Challenger, J. (2012, August 13). Consider the candidate and the position. New York Times.
Reflect on the assigned readings listed above for this week and the debate around grammar and professionalism. Then, write 2-3 paragraphs where you:
- identify the reading selection that most resonated with you and why
- outline and justify your perspective on whether grammar should play a role in hiring and other professional decisions
- explain how your core values affect your perspective on language and power
- demonstrate proper verb tense and subject-verb agreement, along with the other grammar and writing skills covered so far in the course
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