Explain how you can transfer the principles and techniques

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Reference no: EM132247911

Essay: Mediation and Workplace Conflict

In Chapter 11, the authors explain how you can transfer the principles and techniques taught in formal mediation training to mediate disputes between other people you know - family, friends, students, and co-workers. You are also asked to apply the principles and skills from the workplace as described in Chapter 12 to conflicts that have or may confront you where you currently work (If you are not employed or a full time student, you might consider writing about an internship, part-time job, an organization you belong to, or job you used to have.) The purpose of this essay is to apply correctly the key concepts, principles, and suggestions from Chapters 11 and 12 to conflicts in your life.

Note that this essay should be based on two chapters, equally. In some cases you can integrate the two chapters as you write, but in other cases you may first want to discuss one chapter and then the other. In either case, you must treat both chapters equally.

In 500 words, write a brief essay in which you apply key concepts and suggestions from Chapter 11 and 12 to your own life situation, past, present, or future. The Objectives and Key Terms at the top of Chapters 11 and 12 identify the key concepts in the chapters. .(Book Managing Conflict through Communication, fifth edition; Author: Dudley D. Cahn and Ruth Anna Abigail) Address the following in your essay:

• Define and explain two key concepts from each chapter that stood out to you; please include page numbers, cite from the textbook, and end the essay with a reference to the textbook (citations/ references should be in APA style).

• Include suggestions the authors make for each chapter that would help you better manage conflicts (again include page numbers and references to the textbook)

• Then explain how you could use the concepts that you identified to better manage a conflict in the past, present, or future (it may be one conflict for both chapters or a separate conflict for each chapter).

Your essay must meet the following criteria:
• Minimum500 words limit
• Identified 2 key concepts per chapter, defined, and explained them (key concepts are printed in bold in the text).
• Identified at least one suggestion from each chapter.
• Cited the text (with page numbers) and referenced it at the end of the essay.
• Written in the APA style using the correct grammar and spelling

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

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TextBook - Managing Conflict through Communication, fifth edition; Author: Dudley D. Cahn and Ruth Anna Abigail

Attachment:- Mediation and Workplace Conflict.rar

Verified Expert

Highlighted the need for Conflict resolution and mediation. Took four concepts from the book, described them with citing their page number. Presented the suggestions which could be implemented in mediation of conflicts. Gave a real life situation for managing conflict with building on the four concepts.

Reference no: EM132247911

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8/25/2019 1:46:26 AM

Thank you so much for the help work is done excellently. Outline of the report is good. Assignment rubrics are followed carefully. Happy with the work.


8/25/2019 1:44:10 AM

Usee the updated version of the book for this paper Book Managing Conflict through Communication, fifth edition; Author: Dudley D. Cahn and Ruth Anna Abigail 2013. Assignment topic is Managing Conflict through Communication.

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