Explain how you can damage your taste cells

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133476056

- You must be thorough (a few words or a couple of sentences will not do)

- You must answer all that has been asked

- If it says compare and contrast to talk about all of the similarities and then all of the differences

- If it asks for two differences be sure you include the two difference for each item being discussed

- Number all of your answers - other wise I have no idea what you are answering

- Neatness is important (use formatting of some sort)

- Leave at least one blank line between answers so that the white space separates your answers

- Spell check your answers

Question 1. An elderly relative suffered a CVA (stroke) and now has difficulty moving her right arm, and she also has speech problems. What areas of the brain were damaged by the stroke?

Question 2.Nicky has recently had a viral infection and now she cannot move the muscles on the right side of her face. In addition, she is experiencing a loss of taste and a dry mouth, and she cannot close her right eye. What cranial nerve has been affected by the viral infection?

Question 3.You have been hired by a pharmaceutical company to develop a drug to regulate a specific brain disorder. What is a major physiological roadblock to developing such a drug and how can you design a drug to bypass that roadblock so that the drug is delivered to the brain where it is needed?

Question 4.Why might you examine the limbic systems of dead convicted rapists or serial killers?

Question 5.What is the blood brain barrier? Be very specific.

Question 6You've been to the "all-you-can-eat" buffet and have consumed large amounts of food. After returning home, you recline on the couch to watch television. Which division of the nervous system will be handling your body's after-dinner activities? List several organs involved, the major nerve supply to each organ, and the effects of the nervous system on their functions.

Question 7Ciara is driving home from school, listening to her favorite music, when a dog darts into the street in front of her car. She manages to swerve to avoid hitting the dog. As she continues on her way, she notices her heart is racing, she has "goose-bumps," and her hands are sweaty. Why is she experiencing these effects?

Question 8Mrs. Young is experiencing a bout of diarrhea that is keeping her house-bound. She would like to attend a birthday party for her brother but is afraid to attend because of her diarrhea. What type of drug, related to the autonomic nervous system function, could she take to help relieve her diarrhea?

Question 9When Joni first stepped onto the sailboat, she smelled the tangy sea air and felt the motion of water beneath her feet. After a few minutes, she no longer noticed the smell, but unfortunately she was aware of the rolling motion for hours. What types of receptors are involved in smell and detection of motion? Why did her sensation of smell fade but the rolling sensation remain?

Question 10Monique sticks her left hand into a hot tub heated to about 43°C (110°F) in order to decide if she wants to enter the hot tub. Trace the pathway involved in transmitting the sensation of heat from her left hand to the somato-sensory area in the cerebral cortex.

Question 11Marvin has had trouble sleeping. Last night his mother found him sleepwalking and gently led him back to his bed. When Marvin was awakened by his alarm clock the next day, he had no recollection of sleepwalking and, in fact, told his mother about the vivid dreams he had. What specific stages of sleep did Marvin undergo during the night? What neurological mechanism awakened Marvin in the morning?

Question 12Mario has experienced damage to his facial nerve. How would this affect his special senses?

Question 13As you help your neighbor put drops in her six-year-old daughter's eyes, the daughter states, "That medicine tastes bad." How do you explain to the neighbor how her daughter can "taste" the eye drops?

Question 14Explain why pain receptors do not adapt? Explain the pros and cons. What is referred pain?

Question 15Explain how you can damage your taste cells and not loose your sense of taste permanently. What kind of cells are we talking about?

Reference no: EM133476056

Questions Cloud

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Explain how you can damage your taste cells : Explain how you can damage your taste cells and not loose your sense of taste permanently. What kind of cells are we talking about
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What do you know about mitochondria : What do you know about mitochondria and Why might disrupting mitochondrial function be a bad idea?
Discuss the benefits and risks of screening tests : discuss the benefits and risks of screening tests with your medical care provider and make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances and risk


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