Explain how you, as an early childhood educator

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133359517

Case Study: As you learned at the beginning of this week's lecture, understanding theory is important because as an early childhood educator you will need to be able to justify how and why you make the decisions you do. For this week's discussion you will get practice doing just that.

To begin, pick one of the scenarios listed below.

  • Dione, one of the toddlers in your classroom, insists on dressing herself before heading outside to play. On a particularly cold winter day, she puts her boots on the wrong feet and buttons her coat up crooked.
  • During free play/center time you allow your preschool students to choose which center they want to spend time in. However, 5-year-old Nikkita seems unable to decide. She often asks you what she should do or where she should play.
  • Wally, a 6-year-old in your room, has begun acting out. For example, he often repeats swear words he has heard his older brother use while playing videogames. One morning during daycare drop-off, Wally accidentally drops his favorite toy and screams a string of swear words. His mom chuckles, hands him the toy, and proceeds with drop-off.
  • You recently purchased a new puzzle for your pre-k classroom. However, you are concerned it might be too difficult. You have noticed many students struggling to complete the puzzle, becoming frustrated and slamming pieces down, or simply walking away.

Questions: Once you have chosen a scenario from the list above, writean initial discussion post in which you address the following:

  1. Identify the scenario you have chosen.
  2. Explain how you, as an early childhood educator, would react in the situation you selected. Make sure to provide detail on what you would say and how you would behave.
  3. Then, after explaining how you would react, justify your behavior using one or more of the theories you learned about in lecture this week.


Reference no: EM133359517

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