Reference no: EM132198747
Final Research Project
- your final paper will present the findings of your research project, which will present original research you have conducted on Japanese politics and culture. Your research question should address one of the major issues/questions of the course:
- The myth of Japan's homogenous society seems pervasive, how has this belief impacted Japanese policymakers and/or Japanese society today? Explain how this myth affects Japanese nationalism, including reference to a current example or illustration.
Your paper should be 10-15 pages long and no longer than 20 pages.
A good answer must include materials from class readings and lectures, as well as six solid references from outside sources which are peer reviewed and that analyze the concepts you are using and the connections between them (Wikipedia and other online sources are not appropriate for this assignment).
Your paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman font 12 point; with page numbers and a title on the first page (a separate title page is not necessary). Margins should be no larger than 1" on the sides and 1.25" top and bottom.
Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:
- You must answer all questions and provide reasons for your choices. Support your arguments with evidence and examples using clear and logical organization.
- You must demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and ideas we have covered throughout the course and utilize theories of development and political participation from the last section of the course.
- You must turn in an organization outline of your paper to share with me during our meeting time as well as a 5 minute presentation on your case(s) or measure(s) during our final exam period.