Explain how they work

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133546660

Question: Sorting algorithms are used in a variety of tasks and processes that are common in business applications. They allow for the organization of a data structure in a way that is better optimized for the way in which is it intended to be used. For example, it is easier and faster to search a list of people if their names are first sorted into alphabetical order. This is core to this Unit's focus on sorting algorithms and how they work.

For this discussion, select two sorting algorithms from the textbook (Unit 3) and explain how they work, what makes them different, and how they might be used in an application. Include in your description the efficiency rating (Big-O) for each algorithm (Note: The Big-O notation for common algorithms like these does not need to be calculated, since it is always the same.).

Reference no: EM133546660

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