Reference no: EM133293823
Question 1: List and describe 3 biases that would impact results of a survey. Please explain how they will impact the results of the survey.
Question 2: Please see the 3 open-ended questions and 1 check-box question below. Please rewrite these questions in a way that allows the collected data to be more structured, while still being as informative as possible when the results are analyzed. Please explain how rewriting the questions in your chosen way will achieve the desired outcome.
In your opinion, what is the most important priority the Canadian Food Inspection Agency should focus on in the next five years?
Are there any priorities or programs that you feel need to be highlighted more within the framework and areas of focus?
In your opinion, is there a clear connection between CFIA 2025 and the Government of Canada's Beyond 2020 initiative?
How would you prefer to be updated on our progress as we move forward towards achieving the goals set out in CFIA 2025? President's Town Halls, directly from your manager, from your VP, message from president, C360 podcasts/videos/articles, InfoBulletins, Express messages, Scoop, internal podcasts/videos, CFIA Social Media accounts (click all that apply) ]
Question 3: When writing a survey question, what are 3 reasons why you should include a "don't know/prefer not to answer" option?