Explain how they differ within and between categories

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Reference no: EM13980812 , Length:

Please help to write all 3 essays, each essay with 9 pages long and using the following criteria:

- Content-essays must respond to the scenario and writing prompt while demonstrating a command of knowledge and practices in the field surrounding the writing prompt.

- Critical thinking-essays must demonstrate the ability to analyze the writing prompt, synthesize a perspective, and either deduce or infer valid conclusions.

- Style-essays must be double spaced, use Time New Roman 12 point font, be free of spelling errors, and contain proper headings.

- Demonstration-papers must demonstrate recall of a few key learning objectives and topics covered during core classes.

- Provide the working solution with no plagiarism.

Essay 1:

Evaluating the performance of a company often relies upon ratio analysis. Ratios emerge from three categories:

(a) turnover ratios;

(b) profitability ratios; and

(c) leverage or liquidity ratios.

List at least two ratios from each category and explain how they differ within and between categories.

Synthesize a strategy as to evaluate the performance of a company using the listed ratios and a suitable horizontal and/or vertical analysis.

Justify the use of the selected ratios and critique your proposed strategy.

Essay 2:

You are promoted to an internet service provider (ISP) quality analysis team upon completing the DBA program. Your promotion requires you survive the 90-day evaluation period as to become fully tenured.

Your first task is to figure out why there are so many customers complaining about the responsiveness of their internet connection.

The term responsiveness does not have a clearly defined meaning although it is an important quality perceived by customers. Identify three variables involved with responsiveness, operationalize them, and determine how to measure them along their dimensions.

Argue for the relevance, operationalization, measurement, and dimension of the three variables. Further, argue how your variables interact as to allow a measurement of responsiveness.

Essay 3:

You are a consultant hired by a medium sized company with 20 employees and a not much cash. Although the company has over 30 years of profitable operations, they express interest in buying one of their component suppliers. The component supplier is roughly the same size of the company, has about the same number of employees, but has a little more cash on hand. Further, the component supplier is a family operated business with two shareholders that would like to become managers after acquisition.

Explain what you would discuss with your client during the initial due diligence meeting. What would you tell them about a potential deal structure? Additionally, which would you recommend-a merger or a consolidation? Why?

Verified Expert

Acquisitions seem to offer firms a short cut to their strategic objectives, but the process has its costs. In this chapter, we examine the four basic steps in an acquisition, starting with establishing an acquisition motive, continuing with the identification and valuation of a target firm, and following up with structuring and paying for the deal. The final, and often the most difficult, step is making the acquisition work after the deal is consummated. APA, 2700 words X 3 Parts

Reference no: EM13980812

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Explain how they differ within and between categories : Explain how they differ within and between categories - synthesize a strategy as to evaluate the performance of a company using the listed ratios and a suitable horizontal and/or vertical analysis.
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