Reference no: EM133204791 , Length: 4 pages.
Assignment: Science
Part A: Annotations
The following is a list of questions to be answered for each reference. These are answered in the corresponding worksheet found on D2L.
I. Which perspective(s) and stakeholder(s) do the author(s) represent? You may have to research the author(s) or organization to answer this question. Answer in one sentence.
II. Explain how you found the source. Is it an open-access source or is it limited by licensing/payment? Answer in one sentence.
III. How is the information packaged? Is it a website, scientific article, a secondary article, blog, etc.? Answer in one sentence.
IV. Describe the credibility of the source, including how the source was found and the authority of the source.Answer in two to four sentences.
V. Explain how this source will be useful for your final project, which is evaluating the species' candidacy for de-extinction.Answer in two to four sentences.
VI. Describe how the source compares to the other sources that are in this annotated bibliography. Consider how the source confirms, conflicts with, or offers a new perspective on the information.Answer in two to four sentences.
Part B: Stakeholder Web
Most stakeholders are connected to each other, and these connections often lead to more intersections between stakeholders. After completing the annotated bibliography, draw a web showing the relationships between different stakeholders affected by your species. Follow these instructions:
I. Use at least 8 stakeholders. Note that there might be some overlap, such as in the Gorongosa case study, stakeholders included villagers and poachers, although some poachers might also be villagers.
II. Include at least 8 connections. Include both positive and negative connections. Note that many stakeholders can have both positive and negative connections within the web.
III. Use stakeholders that are represented/described in the references found for Part 1. Some stakeholders may be represented in more than one information source while others may be unique to just one information source.
IV. Include footnote in-text citations for all connections. Follow the instructions in the "Literature Citation Requirements" in the "Course Materials" D2L content folder.
V. The following are options for creating the stakeholder web:
1. Neatly hand draw it on a piece of paper, take a photo, and paste the photo into the worksheet. Make sure that the photo is clear. If it is too blurry to read, then it will receive a zero.
2. Create the web in a program, such as Microsoft® Paint or PowerPoint.
3. Create the web in an online concept map program, such as