Explain how the proposed effort to maintain the change agent

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133468322

PPT Homework


This benchmark homework assesses the following programmatic competencies:

BS Accounting; BS Business Administration; BS Business Analytics; BS Business Information Systems; BS Business Management; BS Entrepreneurial Studies; BS Finance; BS Finance and Economics; BS Hospitality Management; BS Marketing and Advertising; BS Sports Management; BS Supply Chain and Logistics Management

A. Demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

BS Applied Management

B. Demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

BS Homeland Security and Emergency Management

C. Demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) homework.

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the major responsibilities of human resources management (HRM). Students will select an organization in need of change and make recommendations to manage the change through integrating the major responsibilities of HRM.

The major responsibilities of human resources management (HRM) are to attract, develop, and maintain a quality workforce.


As a team, research an organization that is in need of a change and present how the team will manage the change process by incorporating the three essential responsibilities of HRM, focusing on one subsystem that requires change within the organization. For more information, reference the assigned topic textbook readings. The team is required to create and present a PowerPoint presentation of 15 to 18 slides (including a title slide and references slide).

Address following in your presentation under the appropriate heading:

1) Overview of the Organization:

A. Provide an overview of the chosen organization.

B. Justify the choice of the organization.

C. Identify the change needed and how the issue has impacted the organization.

2) Organizational Subsystems in Need of Change Within the Organization:

A. Identify three of the subsystems in the organization that relate to the needed change that was identified.

B. Of the three subsystems chosen, identify the main subsystem that failed and led to the problem.

C. Provide a justification or explanation for choosing the subsystem for change.

3) Impact of the Proposed Change on Two Other Organizational Subsystems:

A. Discuss how the proposed change will affect the other two subsystems identified.

B. Discuss any system realignment that may result from the changes proposed.

4) Subsystem Comparison to Another Organization:

A. Compare the chosen subsystem for change to the same subsystem in a different organization. The subsystem chosen should be from an organization that is successful in the area of change being proposed. Provide justification.

5) Satisfaction of Three Stakeholders:

A. Identify any three stakeholders in the organization affected by the proposed change.

B. Explain how the proposed change will satisfy each of the three stakeholders identified.

6) Ethics

A. What does the organization's website state about its view on ethics? Does the organization's published view on ethical standards conform to or differ from its practice(s)? Use the "Four Views of Ethics," located in your assigned textbook reading, to compare the company's published versus practiced ethical behavior. Provide justification.

7) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

A. Building upon the ethical behavioral analysis, what CSR perspectives or strategies does it appear the organization is currently adopting. Refer to the CSR strategies and perspectives provided in your textbook reading. Provide a recommendation on how the organization can behave in a socially responsible manner to create a competitive advantage for the three stakeholders identified earlier.

8) Attracting Human Resources:

A. Propose how the organization should attract the change agent required to support the change in the primary subsystem.

B. Focus the proposal to attract the change agent (a specific individual or organization) on one of the following: human resource planning, recruitment, or selection.

C. Explain how the proposed efforts to attract the change agent to bring about the change will affect the primary subsystem identified.

9) Developing Human Resources:

A. Propose how the organization should develop the change agent (attracted in the previous section) in order to support the change.

B. Focus the proposal to develop the change agent on one of the following: employee orientation, training and development, or performance appraisal.

C. Explain how the proposed efforts to develop the change agent to bring about the change will affect the primary organizational subsystem identified.

10) Maintaining Human Resources:

A. Propose how the organization should maintain the change agent (attracted and developed in the previous sections) in order to support the change.

B. Focus the proposal to develop the change agent on one of the following: career development, work-life balance, compensation and benefits, retention, or labor-management relations.

C. Explain how the proposed efforts to maintain the change agent to bring about the change will affect the primary organizational subsystem identified.

11) Internal Consistency:

A. Explain how the HR processes chosen to attract, develop, and maintain the change agent are the optimal choices to bring about the proposed change given the identified organizational issue and the main (primary) subsystem.

12) Course Connectivity:

A. Choose a minimum of three appropriate topics from the broader course materials (from Topics 1-6) and connect the discussion of each to the proposed changes and recommendations made in the presentation.

B. This discussion should thoroughly explain or define each of the chosen topics and clearly integrate the discussion of each to develop a persuasive argument that demonstrates a holistic understanding of the subject.

13) Integration of Faith, Learning, and Work - CWV:

A. Review the "Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work," located in the topic resources, and the "Christian Worldview Belief Statements" document outlining the integration of faith, learning, and work. Based on these resources, integrate a Christian worldview (CWV) component in the presentation.

B. Using a minimum of two relevant Bible verses in total, explain how at least two of these CWV perspectives relate to the proposed change. You are required to address a minimum of two CWV perspectives as long as it applies to your presentation.

C. Make a clear connection on how each CWV perspective should inform the management practice.

D. All individuals have a worldview. An individual's faith-based perspective/worldview influences that person's decisions, values, and perceptions. It also affects how an individual manages people (or thinks they should be managed). For this homework, this requirement relates to the worldview of the presenters, not the organizations. For example, how does the CWV perspective inform your interpretation of the problem or the proposed solution?

Reference no: EM133468322

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