Explain how the process of moving from dualism to relativism

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Reference no: EM133193241 , Length: 10 pages.

Assignment: Developmental Analysis


For this assignment, you will discuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate an ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts of human growth and development by identifying your life as it relates to key human growth and development concepts. You will incorporate empirical studies related to development, readings, and videos.


You will use developmental theories and concepts to analyze your own developmental processes focusing on adulthood. Use a variety in your sentence structure and wording. You should not use direct quotes, but rather summarize and paraphrase insight from your sources. You will use your textbook and at least 3 other scholarly sources (no less than 4 sources total) to create your developmental analysis.

Title Page

Use the following headings to organize your content:

1. Personal Development Introduction

Provide a concise introduction to significant personal characteristics, family dynamics and support structures, and meaningful events or occurrences. This section should be no more than 1page.

2. Theoretical Perspectives of Development

Stage of Development According to Piaget

Examine the portion of your textbook or outside references that detail(s) Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Explain how these stages are relevant to your own childhood and adolescent developmental processes. You must identify specific stages, characteristics of that stage and offer explanation and examples that parallel to your own developmental processes.

3. Nature versus Nurture

Examine the portion of your textbook or outside references that detail(s) elements of the nature versus nurture influences. This section of the paper must analyze how you have been impacted from a nature versus nurture standpoint in your childhood and adolescent developmental processes. Provide explanation and examples.

4. Postformal Thought According to Perry

Explain how the process of moving from dualism to relativism is applicable to your own thought development. Refer to the the portion of your textbook or outside referencesthat address(es) Perry's theory of intellectual and ethical development in the college years. Focus on the period of adulthood and how you have grown into your current stage of cognitive and moral development.

5. Adult Attachment and Relationships

Explain the parallels between attachment theory and your childhood and adolescent experiences with a care provider. Specify a specific attachment style, characteristics of the style, and behavioral consequences and outcomes. Examine the portion of your textbookor outside referencesthat address(es)the attachment prototypes in peer/romantic tradition. Provide explanations and examples of your own adult attachment challenges and strengths. Also, use the insights from the portion of the textbookor outside referencesthat address(es) research on young adult dyadic relationshipsto draw conclusions about your partnership selection, elements of intimacy, satisfaction and stability, as well as communication styles and conflict resolution.

6. Career Development Process: Super's Approach

Examine the portion of your textbookor outside referencesthat address(es)the Super Developmental approachto determine what stage you are currently in and what you anticipate will be important influences in the future for you to move into the next stage or maintain a current stage.

7. Identity Development

Examine the portion of your textbook or outside references that detail(s) Erikson's psychosocial stages of development. Explain how these are relevant to your own childhood and adolescent developmental processes. You must identify specific stages, characteristics of those stages, and parallels to your own developmental processes. What challenges or strengths related to psychosocial development did you exhibit that either hindered or helped your progression through these developmental crises during childhood and adolescence? Use examples to illustrate application of these to your development history. Also examine the portion of your textbookor outside referencesthat address(es)Erikson's theory related to adulthood. Depending on your age and life experience, identify which stage of Erikson's psychosocial development you are in and examine how you managed the crisis period? Are there any notable influences, good or bad, that will help you navigate successfully to the next stage?

8. Faith Development

Using Fowler's Stages of Faith and Identity(found in the Module 5: Week 5 Learn folder), explain how the stages are relevant to your own childhood and adolescent developmental processes. You must identify specific stages and demonstrate how they are relevant and applicable to your own development history. You may also extend your dialogue to integrate Christian principles and biblical themes as appropriate.

9. Personality and Temperament

Examinethe portion of your textbookor outside references that address(es) the Big 5 personality traits. Provide explanations and examples of your own personality and temperament characteristics in adulthood related to these personality traits. Remember that everyone is on a spectrum of each of these traits - e.g., one might be high on extraversion and low on conscienciousness.

10. Culture, Religion and Well Being

In culture, religion, and well-being are detailed. Select at least 2 concepts in this chapter that you find most meaningful to your own development. Provide explanation and examples of how these concepts are relevant to you. Integratea Christian worldview and biblical themes as appropriate.

11. Ending Well

Provide a comprehensive overview of many considerations for end of life care and quality of life. Use these concepts to examine your own morality and how do you anticipate your own dying process. Conclude this section of your paper with a self-eulogy; you can include a statement, Bible verse, quote, or other significant details.

12. References.

Reference no: EM133193241

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