Explain how the plate tectonics theory built off of

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133676208


Imagine for a moment that it is 1915 and you, Alfred Wegener, are about to publish The Origin of Continents and Oceans in which you will propose the Continental Drift Hypothesis. Briefly describe 1) the hypothesis, 2) how it differs from long-held assumptions of the Earth, its landmasses, and its ocean basins, and 3) four pieces of evidence that you will use to defend it. When you respond to your classmates' posts, you might want to imagine that you are a critic of Wegener's Continental Drift hypothesis. Explain why you object to the hypothesis by identifying at least two of its shortcomings. What additional evidence would you need to accept it? Or, you might want to imagine that you are a proponent of the Plate Tectonics theory. Explain how the Plate Tectonics theory built off of and improved upon Wegener's Continental Drift hypothesis.

Reference no: EM133676208

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