Explain how the model would be used to create a study

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Reference no: EM131849143

Question: Developmental psychologists study specific types of growth in people of a target age or age range. For example, a psychologist might study language development in pre-verbal toddlers or peer-group formation in pre-adolescents. Using the theories and research methods described in your assigned Reading (Chapter 1 "History, Theory, and Research Strategies" ), propose a study of a topic of interest to you. Developmental studies are based in a developmental theory, so be sure to select one that is likely to support your ideas. (Minimum 350 words)

Be sure to include:

1. Target age or age group.

2. Specific name of the theory (add the name of the theorist, too).

3. Research question (be specific).

4. Research design (you may name the model and then try to explain how the model would be used to create a study).

Reference no: EM131849143

Questions Cloud

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Explain how the model would be used to create a study : Developmental psychologists study specific types of growth in people of a target age or age range. For example, a psychologist might study language development.
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