Explain how the margin of error is reported in the article

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Reference no: EM133521558

Discussion Post

To prepare for this Discussion:

1. Review Chapter 6 in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Pay particular attention to the concept of margin of error and what it represents.
2. Using the Walden Library, select a forensic psychology research article of interest to you, and one that uses margin of error in reporting its results.
3. Review the study keeping in mind the concept of margin of error and its implications in the study.
4. Think about how and why the margin of error impacts the results of the study.


Post a brief description of the research article you selected and a brief summation of the sections on methods and results. Explain how the margin of error is reported in the article, and how and why the margin of error impacts the results of the study.

Reference no: EM133521558

Questions Cloud

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