Reference no: EM133168641
Supply Chain Management
Postponement and coordinated strategies
Explain the concept of postponement.
Discuss how the Order Penetration Point (OPP) relates to the concept of postponement.
Differentiate between the concept of lean and agile supply
Explain how the decoupling point separates out different levels of V&U and the associated buffering strategies.
Explain how the OM laws relate to the Fisher model.
Discuss how the three Coordinated Strategy relate to the Fisher Model and cases covered in class
Note that the garment labels are standard and able to be sent to any part of the world as it displays all the sizing standards. However, the price is in euros and this needs to be covered by a sticker.
Case: Peterson's Dyers
Develop a quick response capability
Offer a complete dyeing and finishing process
Storage of ecru garments produced overseas
Garment dyeing
All within 5 days at marginally higher costs
a) Outline the Theory of Constraints (TOC) five steps of focusing, making reference to a resource or market constraint example.
b) Making reference to the laws below discuss how the flow characteristics of a multi-step delivery system may be described in terms of dependent events, variation, buffer inventory and buffer capacity.
• Law or variability
• Law of variability buffering
• Law of variability pooling (9 marks)
c) Discuss how Drum Buffer Rope differs from Kanban making reference to the law of variability pooling.
d) Explain the theory of performance frontiers and how it relates to lean and TOC.
) State the Theory of Constraints (TOC) 5 steps of focusing and use an example covered in class to illustrate each step.
b) Assess how and why a bottleneck provides a focus for planning and control?
c) Discuss how the drum-buffer-rope approach relates to a) and b) above and use an example to illustrate how it can be practically applied.
a) Discuss the significance of the top left mismatch zone in the Fisher model illustrated above.
b) Using at least one case example covered in class and making reference to Fishers model above, illustrate how lean and agile strategies can be combined in the same supply chain.
c) Using the Fisher model discuss the potential implications of retailers utilising low cost offshore supply, making reference to at least one case covered in class.
d) Discuss the relationship between the following coordinated strategies and how they can be related to Fisher's model, making reference to cases covered in class.