Reference no: EM131818709
The capstone course for the Bachelor of Arts in Management. One requirement of a capstone course is the demonstration that each student has integrated the content from the various courses into a usable whole that will help students be more successful after completion of the program. Since this course is specifically about strategy, you will be expected to relate your previous learning to organizational strategy. The content of your mini-paper should address the following areas:
• How does content from three of your courses help you better understand strategic processes and issues?
• Identify the specific content
Explain how it impacts the strategic process
Explain how you will use this connection to better create and implement organizational strategy.
• Explain how this course helps you tie together the many courses you have taken in your program.
This mini-paper should be from 6-8 pages.
• Some of the classes I have taken that can be used in this paper. Can use other subjects in the realm of business as well.
1. Marketing fundamentals
2. Survey of global business
3. Ethics
4. Ethics in law, business and management
5. Intro to organizational behavior
6. Introduction to leadership
7. Principles of management and organization.