Explain how social entrepreneurship

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Reference no: EM133119800


Now that you have gone through this course, explain how social entrepreneurship is good for the world. How can social entrepreneurs stay ethical when business practices vary from country to country?

Reference no: EM133119800

Questions Cloud

Broad categories of ideological explicitness : Explain the three broad categories of ideological explicitness as it pertains to film and list at least one example for each category.
Improve teaching and learn : Identify four age-appropriate books that teach a moral or other lessons.Describe and justify how your approach would improve teaching and learn in the scenario.
Home-school-comm relations : Discuss ways you have used or intend to use chapter information in your career (PE teacher, football and basketball coach)
About conflict management : Discuss ways you have used or intend to use chapter information in your career (PE teacher, football, and basketball coach)
Explain how social entrepreneurship : Explain how social entrepreneurship is good for the world. How can social entrepreneurs stay ethical when business practices vary from country to country?
Method of connecting reading and writing : How does this method of connecting reading and writing make for equitable assessment--both diagnostic and summative? Reference the text to support your argument
Definition of failure-disengagement plan for your venture : Complete a definition of failure and disengagement plan for your venture. Determine if you have market-scaler venture.
What socio-emotional issues- population encounters : What are the issues that this population encounters? What socio-emotional issues does this population have to deal with?
Foreign Exchange : Imagine that you are the principal of a high school and you have accepted 4 foreign exchange students for the school year.


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