Explain how slow and fast triggers contribute to challenging

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Reference no: EM132352426

Implement the Positive Behavioural Support Model

Learning outcomes

1 Understand the context of the Positive Behavioural Support model

1.1 Explain how Positive Behavioural Support has been influenced by:

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)

Social Role Valorisation (SRV)

1.2 Summarise current legislation and policy guidance relating to Positive Behavioural Support

2 Understand the term ‘challenging behaviour’

2.1 Define the term ‘challenging behaviour’

2.2 Explain the reasons for the term challenging behaviour coming into use

2.3 Analyse key factors that lead to a behaviour being defined as challenging

3 Understand the context in which challenging behaviour occurs

3.1 Summarise key environmental risk factors for challenging behaviours

3.2 Explain how slow and fast triggers contribute to challenging behaviour

3.3 Analyse the role of reinforcement in maintaining behaviour

3.4 Explain the time-intensity model

4 Be able to contribute to the functional analysis in relation to an individual's challenging behaviour

4.1 Describe the key components of functional analysis

4.2 Explain the key methods of analysing behaviour

4.3 Complete accurate records of behaviour using a structured method

4.4 Identify environmental risk factors for an individual’s challenging behaviour

4.5 Identify possible slow and fast triggers for an individual’s challenging behaviour

4.6 Identify factors that may contribute to reinforcement of an individual’s challenging behaviour

4.7 Evaluate the importance of functional analysis in effective personcentred behavioural intervention for individuals

5 Understand the key characteristics of Positive Behavioural Support

5.1 Describe the key characteristics of Positive Behavioural Support

5.2 Explain the role within Positive Behavioural Support of:

Primary prevention strategies

Secondary prevention strategies

Non-aversive reactive strategies

5.3 Explain the importance of social validity in the Positive Behavioural Support model

6 Be able to implement primary prevention strategies

6.1 Summarise the key primary prevention strategies

6.2 Implement an agreed primary prevention strategy using least restrictive practice, respecting the individual’s dignity, rights and choice

6.3 Explain the importance of effective communication and positive interaction in primary prevention for individuals

6.4 Positively interact with an individual by providing the level of help and reinforcement that enables them to participate in an activity

6.5 Use effective communication with an individual to promote positive behaviour

6.6 Evaluate the social validity of an agreed primary prevention strategy for an individual

7 Be able to use a person-centred approach to develop plans that promote participation

7.1 Explain how active support can help prevent challenging behaviour by improving an individual’s quality of life

7.2 Analyse the role of structure and daily planning in primary prevention for individuals

7.3 Review an individual’s daily activities to identify areas for increasing participation and choice

7.4 Review an individual’s routine to identify opportunities for increasing participation and choice

7.5 Develop a participation plan with an individual that contributes to the reduction of challenging behaviour by actively supporting their engagement in a specific task

7.6 Work with an individual to identify skills that could be developed to enable greater participation in day-to-day activities

8 Be able to implement secondary prevention strategies

8.1 Summarise key secondary prevention strategies

8.2 Explain when secondary prevention strategies should be used with individuals

8.3 Identify early-warning signs of behavioural agitation in an individual

8.4 Identify possible secondary prevention strategies that may be used with an individual

8.5 Implement an agreed secondary prevention strategy using least restrictive practice, respecting the individual’s dignity, rights and preferences

9 Be able to implement nonaversive reactive strategies

9.1 Explain when reactive strategies should be used with individuals

9.2 Describe the key characteristics and types of reactive strategies

9.3 Assess the risks in the use of reactive strategies

9.4 Identify possible reactive strategies that may be used for an individual

9.5 Implement an agreed non-aversive reactive strategy using least restrictive practice, respecting the individual’s dignity, rights and preferences

9.6 Establish an individual’s preferred post–incident support

9.7 Identify own preferred post-incident support

10 Be able to understand and implement Positive Behavioural Support Plans

10.1 Explain the purpose and importance of Positive Behaviour Support Plans for individuals

10.2 Identify the key components of a Positive Behaviour Support Plan for individuals

10.3 Implement agreed procedures in an individual’s Positive Behavioural Support Plan

10.4 Contribute to the review of an individual’s Positive Behavioural Support Plan

Reference no: EM132352426

Questions Cloud

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Describe how a human rights-based approach supports : L/601/9549-Support Positive RiskTaking for Individuals-Describe how a human rights-based approach supports an individual to make decisions and take risks.
Explain how slow and fast triggers contribute to challenging : T/601/9738-Implement the Positive Behavioural Support Model-Explain how slow and fast triggers contribute to challenging behaviour.
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