Explain how real GDP measures performance of the economy

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM132371911 , Length: word count:2000

Economics Assignment -

Assignment Brief - The strength of a country's economy can be determined through careful examination of macroeconomic indicators. Working individually, conduct research on the economic performance of ONE (1) country over the last ten years. In your essay, analyse the economic performance of the economy over the last decade, from 2008 to 2018 using the macroeconomic indicators of real GDP, unemployment rate and inflation rate. Discuss whether you think the economic performance was strong or weak.

You should also research and provide explanations for the high unemployment rate, high inflation/deflation rate and the growth or decline of the economy during this period. Where appropriate, you should also identify and explain how the policies adopted by the government have served to achieve full employment, stable price and economic growth.

Your analysis should include an in-depth discussion on the overall performance of the economy in the last decade and you should support your evaluation with researched evidence.

More marks will be awarded for reports which provide more detailed discussion and in-depth analysis. The essay shall be about 2,000 words (+/- 10%).

Assignment Format - The essay should be presented in the following format.


  • Provide an overview of the chosen economy.

Production output performance analysis

  • Define and explain how real GDP measures performance of the economy.
  • Describe and explain production trend based on the real GDP statistics of the last ten years.
  • Research and explain the Government's measures adopted to increase the production output of the economy.

Labour market analysis

  • Define unemployment and describe the typical types of unemployment in an economy.
  • Describe and explain unemployment trends based on the unemployment rate statistics of the last ten years.
  • Research and identify the types of unemployment in the economy.
  • Research and explain Government's measures adopted to achieve full employment.

Price level analysis

  • Define inflation and describe the typical causes of inflation.
  • Describe and explain the inflation trend based on the inflation rate statistics of the last ten years.
  • Research and identify the cause(s) of inflation in the economy.
  • Research and explain Government's measures to achieve stable price.


  • Summary of key highlights of the discussion.

Reference no: EM132371911

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The essay shall be about 2,000 words (+/- 10%). Assignment Submission - All assignments (written work and reference list) are to be submitted in ONE (1) file to the eLearn LMS system for marking. No cover page is required for submission. Country description is clear and well-written Key economic attributes of the country are succinctly summarised and paraphrased. There is a comprehensive description of production outputs trend. Analysis of the trend is supported by evidence and related to relevant government measures. There is a comprehensive description of labour market trend. Analysis of the trend is supported by evidence and related to relevant government measures to curb labour market problem.


9/17/2019 2:25:21 AM

There is a comprehensive description of price level trend. Analysis of the trend is supported by evidence and related to relevant government measures to maintain price stability. Conclusion is insightful and relates well to the analysis of the country. Viewpoint proffered is clear, coherent and well- developed. The author's voice is recognisable. Evidence cited is relevant and sufficiently supports viewpoint put forth. Evidence cited is recent. Evidence cited is from reliable sources. In-text citations done according to APA format with little or no mistakes. Referencing follows the APA format but with little or no mistakes. Sufficient and authoritative resources referenced.

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