Explain how power is affected by sample size

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM133748565

Discussion Post: Sample Size & Statistical Assumptions

Certain basic assumptions are necessary to allow for the statistical analysis of public health data. However, the validity of these assumptions can be affected by the sample size being analyzed. The purpose of this assignment is to refresh your knowledge of the basic assumptions underlying the biostatistical analysis and to consider how these assumptions are affected by the sample size being analyzed.

Using the School's Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research the following statistical topics:

1) Statistical power
2) Central limit theorem (CLT)

On the basis of your research and understanding, respond to the following:

1) Find and state the definition of statistical power that you identify with.
2) State the definition of statistical power in your own words.
3) Compare and contrast type I and type II errors.
4) Explain how power is affected by sample size.
5) Find and state the definition of CLT that you identify with.
6) State the definition of CLT in your own words.
7) Summarize the basic assumptions underlying hypothesis testing and confidence interval methods.
8) Explain how these assumptions are affected by sample size.
9) Explain the relation of a sample size to the basic assumptions underlying biostatistical analysis.

Reference no: EM133748565

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