Explain how nutrients affect disease prevention

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133545045

After studying nutrition science, you should be knowledgeable about nutrition guidelines and how nutrition can affect health. Please demonstrate what you have learned by explaining the following:

1. Using terms and concepts that you have learned in this course, examine 10 aspects of your own diet, and explain any changes you may or may not make. For full credit, support each of your 10 choices with facts from the readings. (For example, currently, I rarely eat any nuts. So, I will start eating one ounce of nuts a day because it will improve my cholesterol level, which will reduce my risk for heart disease. Note: you may not use this example.) [30 points]

2. Explain how nutrients affect disease prevention and management. Make your answer specific with examples. Link the nutrient or nutrients you discuss to a condition. (For example, vitamin C deficiency is linked to scurvy. Note: you may not use this example). For full credit, you must provide at least three examples of how nutrient levels can be related to disease prevention and management. [20 points]

Have fun with this question! This is really just your way of showing me what you have learned this semester and what you will take away from this course.

Reference no: EM133545045

Questions Cloud

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