Reference no: EM132987075 , Length: word count:800 words
SCI 201 Unlocking the Secrets of Science and Innovation Assignment - WEBEX FOR REMOTE WORK, Strayer University, USA
ASSIGNMENT SCENARIO - Learning how to make a difference in your own life is sometimes the best way to inspire others to make a difference in their lives.
Milles Studio - You are a junior researcher at a consulting firm that deals mainly in how world governments can effectively respond to climate change. Your firm has asked you to write a report detailing how individuals can have a meaningful effect on climate change and recommending the global policy strategies that humanity should use. Your report will include the following elements:
A calculation of your individual carbon footprint, along with an analysis of the costs and benefits of the strategies you can use to reduce it. You will determine which of these strategies is the most effective to adopt.
An analysis of the costs and benefits of three different climate policies that aim to reduce global temperature rise over the next century. By comparing the costs and benefits of these policies, you will decide which policy would best achieve the goal of reducing our impact on the climate without devastating human society.
Describe your personal carbon footprint in both the tons of CO2 you are responsible for and the number of trees it would take to offset it. (Your response should be 1-2 sentences.)
My personal carbon footprint in both the tons of CO2 = 13.79 tons of CO2
It takes 197 trees to offset my annual footprint.
Which two tips are you analyzing as solutions for reducing your carbon footprint?
1. Minimal use of plastic packaging, rather I will use reusable packaging bags
2. I will try to use green energy as much as possible.
The first option you chose was:
Minimal use of plastic packaging, rather I will use reusable packaging bags
1. Explain how much your carbon footprint would be reduced by choosing this option. (Your response should be 1-2 sentences.)
2. Explain the factors that make this option feasible for you. (Your response should be 1-2 sentences.)
3. Explain the factors that are barriers to implementing this option. (Your response should be 1-2 sentences.)
The second option you chose was:
I will try to use green energy as much as possible.
1. Explain how much your carbon footprint would be reduced by choosing this option. (Your response should be 1-2 sentences.)
2. Explain the factors that make this option feasible for you. (Your response should be 1-2 sentences.)
3. Explain the factors that are barriers to implementing this option.(Your response should be 1-2 sentences.)
Of the two options, explain which strategy would be best for you. (Your response should be 2-3 sentences.)
The first set of policies has been proposed by a consortium of fossil fuel companies that would like to see economic and population growth continue to accelerate. These businesses are concerned about the negative economic impacts that may result from imposing a tax on carbon emissions or significant taxes on coal, oil, and natural gas. They also want to avoid replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energy because they believe nuclear energy would outcompete them in the long run. The consortium also notes the global community is reluctant to support policies that would encourage the development of carbon removal and new energy technologies. However, the consortium does support highly subsidizing renewable energy and bioenergy.
1. Describe the options for Policy Set 1 that you modeled and how well this policy set may achieve the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 2 °C or lower over the next century. (Your response should be 3-5 sentences.)
2. Discuss possible drawbacks to the set of policies you modeled. (Your response should be 2-3 sentences.)
3. Discuss possible benefits to the set of policies you modeled. (Your response should be 2-3 sentences.)
An economic think tank based in London is exploring ways that world governments can limit global temperature rise (below 2 °C over the next century) without changing the way we create energy or our reliance on fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. The think tank believes that moving away from fossil fuels will prove too costly for human civilization. Instead they aim to focus on limiting economic and population growth. They also favor policies to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and transportation. In addition, they would like to invest in carbon removal technologies and change industry practices that contribute to deforestation and methane emissions.
1. Describe the options for Policy Set 2 that you modeled and how well this policy set achieved the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 2 °C or lower over the next century. (Your response should be 3-5 sentences.)
2. Discuss possible drawbacks to the set of policies you modeled. (Your response should be 2-3 sentences.)
3. Discuss possible benefits to the set of policies you modeled. (Your response should be 2-3 sentences.)
An environmental policy group wants to enact an aggressive climate change policy set but would like to also reduce and reverse damage done to biodiversity. This means that world governments would have to arrange a radical reduction in the use of fossil fuels. Also, governments would have to pay special attention to policies that either harm or reduce biodiversity. Governments can restore lost habitats by maximizing afforestation and minimizing the loss of biodiversity by reducing deforestation. Another way to reduce our impact, the policy group proposes, is by not relying on bioenergy, which often requires the consumption of organic compounds that support biodiversity. Finally, the group also advocates less reliance on renewable sources of energy produced by dams, windmills, solar panels, and other structures because they often disrupt natural habitats and damage biodiversity on a local level.
1. Describe the options for Policy Set 3 that you modeled and how well this policy set achieved the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 2 °C or lower over the next century. (Your response should be 3-5 sentences.)
2. Discuss possible drawbacks to the set of policies you modeled. (Your response should be 2-3 sentences.)
3. Discuss possible benefits to the set of policies you modeled. (Your response should be 2-3 sentences.)
Policy set 2 is selected
4. Explain why you believe the policy set you chose is the best way to address climate change and how its drawbacks might be minimized. (Your response should be 3-5 sentences.)
Note - Need 800 words. Answer each question as asked in the template given.