Explain how much control might an organization have

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1327111

Pricing strategies based on the demand curve's elasticity

What can you say about the elasticity of the demand curve that faces the product (or service) produced by an organization? How much control might an organization have over pricing based on a product's elasticity? Recommend a pricing strategy to increase revenue.


Reference no: EM1327111

Questions Cloud

Heartland supermarkets which would like to raise : Pamela Sue, proprietor of Heartland Supermarkets which would like to raise her current sales of corn from 250 bushels per week to 500 bushels per week.
Illustrate what would happen to the demand for iphones : Illustrate what would happen to the demand for iPhones if consumer income rises by 10%. Be specific. Are iPhones a normal or an inferior good.
Calculate the arc price elasticity of demand : Calculate the arc price elasticity of demand over this price and consumption quantity range.
Illustrate what are the production elasticities of demand : Illustrate what are the production elasticities of demand for labor, capital (trucks) and energy. What type of returns to scale is consistent with the above production function.
Explain how much control might an organization have : Explain how much control might an organization have over pricing based on a product's elasticity
Compute the cross price elasticity with respect to chicken : Compute the cross price elasticity with respect to chicken price, the advertising elasticity and the income elasticity using the information listed
Explain how useful is this demand equation for forecasting : Explain how useful is this demand equation for forecasting demand for the pill slicer in the next five years
Lerner index to compute your price mark-up : Lerner Index to compute your price mark-up. What is your optimal price if you produce 1000 units.
Utilizing the supply and demand model : Utilizing the supply and demand model, explain what would happen to the supply curve during a drought. Also explain the affect on the price of water.


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