Explain how mintzberg five basic parts of the organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133451904

Questions: Summarize the answers to this questions in three paragraphs

1. What is the definition of organization? Briefly explain each part of the definition.

2. Explain how Mintzberg's five basic parts of the organization. If an organization had to give up one of these five parts, which one could it survive the longest without? Discuss.

3. What does contingency mean? What are the implications of contingency theories for managers?

4. What are the primary differences between an organization designed for efficiency and one designed for flexibility? Discuss the pros and cons of each approach for today's organizations.

5. Discuss the role of top management in setting organizational direction.

6. What is the difference between a goal and a strategy as defined in the text? Identify both a goal and a strategy for a community organization (or any organization) with which you are involved.

7. Discuss the similarities and differences in the strategies described in Porter's competitive strategies and Miles and Snow's typology.


Reference no: EM133451904

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