Explain how koch can dislike the death penalty

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133452448

Topic: Assignment 3.5 "Death and Justice: How Capital Punishment Affirms Life" Questions

Questions: Reread the essay and thoroughly answer each question below.

  1. Many people oppose the death penalty because of the value they place on human life. How does Koch argue that he favors capital punishment for the same reason?
  2. Why is the death penalty, in Koch's view, perhaps more necessary in this country than elsewhere?
  3. Explain how Koch can dislike the death penalty but insist that it is necessary?
  4. How would describe Koch's tone and style? Is it suited to his topic? Why or why not?
  5. What analogy does Koch use to explain the need for executing those who commit heinous crimes? Why does he say this comparison is not perfect?


Reference no: EM133452448

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