Reference no: EM13998050
• List three positive and three negative impacts of social networking. In your opinion, determine whether the positive impacts outweigh the negative impacts for a company determined to increase company awareness. Describe the role of the CIO in relationship to social networking and the organization. Describe the key activities that the CIO should be engaged in.
• Discuss ways that the IT organization can counter the negative impacts of social networking. Explain how the IT organization can maintain an ethical posture while managing organizational behavior related to social networking.
• As the CIO of a company engaged in business today, one of the main areas of focus is data protection. Discuss the key data protection points that must be taken into consideration prior to a strategy plan and policy being established for a company that has large data repositories and numerous external partners.
• Assess the value that the International Standards Organization (ISO) provides CIOs, regardless of the industry in which the company is engaged. Explain whether adherence to the standards is essential to overall security management
• Discuss in your own words the importance of balancing security and business functionality. Determine why upper management buy-in for a security program is essential for the program's success and compliance of end users.
• Evaluate why administrative, technical, and physical controls need to be implemented in tandem for a security program to be effective and determine which of these control sets you believe is the most important. Justify your response.
• Compare and contrast network-based and host-based IDS use in an enterprise. Determine the feasibility and necessity of utilizing one of these IDS implementations over the others and explain which you feel is more important and advantageous in an enterprise setting.
• From the e-Activity, discuss the tool's primary uses, strengths and weaknesses, competing products, costs, and system requirements. Explain why you would or wouldn't consider implementing this product in your organization. Justify your response.
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How many g did the astronauts feel
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: Discuss ways that the IT organization can counter the negative impacts of social networking. Explain how the IT organization can maintain an ethical posture while managing organizational behavior related to social networking
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