Explain how else will you continue to maintain your website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131477346

Assignment: Website Submission and Maintenance Plan for IT expert

Using the course software, develop a simple JavaScript® element for your website and develop a website maintenance plan.

Validate your HTML code using the Markup Validation Service on the W3C website, prior to submitting your web page(s).

Include the following in the maintenance plan:

• Based on your usability test, what steps will take to update and improve your website?
• Will you register a domain name and host your website live? If yes, with what host?
• How else will you continue to maintain your website?

Submit your website files and maintenance plan in a compressed (zipped) folder to the Assignment Files tab.

Reference no: EM131477346

Questions Cloud

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Statement concerning the second great awakening : Consider the following statement concerning the Second Great Awakening: Revival audiences responded to the call for reform partly
Explain how else will you continue to maintain your website : Based on your usability test, what steps will take to update and improve your website? How else will you continue to maintain your website?
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Create the indicated data table and use it to graph function : The spreadsheet below shows the value of the function f(x) = x2 + 3x - 16 for x= 3. Create the indicated data table and use it to graph the function.
Create a singular expression of the brand identity : Using select a brand from an organisation you wish to work for, complete the brand key following the sequence detailed in the lecture slides


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