Explain how each work demonstrates your thesis

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133646771


Project Description

Your completed prospectus must consist of an appropriate title, introduction, and images of at least six works of art with accompanying text, conclusion, and bibliography. Your prospectus must cover a broad chronological range (at least five different design periods or styles (including contemporary)) and at least three different design mediums (e.g., graphic design, industrial design, etc.).

Presentation and Style

Audience/Tone: Your exhibit labels and text should be written in the objective voice; the tone should be engaging and accessible but professional. Keep the exhibition's viewer in mind-the viewer may have no knowledge of art or design history, so you will need to provide clear explanations of concepts, vocabulary, styles, periods, etc.


I. Creative title and introductory plaque text: Give your exhibit a title that is appropriate for your topic and write a paragraph or two introducing the exhibition (this would serve as the introductory plaque your exhibit-goers would read upon entering the exhibition). This should include a strong thesis statement, which you will support throughout the exhibit through carefully selected works of art.

II. Works of art and accompanying text: Each work should be carefully selected to support your theme and thesis. You must provide one image from each of the five periods you chose, plus a contemporary example (for a total of six images). For each image, provide full identification and the following information:

1. Explain how each work demonstrates your thesis.

2. Explain the formal qualities of the work in relation to the specific message and function of the work, using vocabulary that is appropriate and accessible (explain any complex terms).

3. Explain how each work relates to its design style/movement (cultural context).

III. Exhibit Conclusion: Write a concluding paragraph directed toward your exhibit viewers. What final thoughts (or even questions) will you leave them with as they exit?

IV. Bibliography: Include a bibliography of properly formatted citations (MLA style). Include the course textbook and any other published, credible sources you consult for this project.

Reference no: EM133646771

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