Explain how each technique can be used in the workplace

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133693281

Manage personal and professional development

Assessment 1-Short Questions

Question 1
Listed below are aspects of personal and professional development.
Complete the table below by identifying the following:
• At least one principle in the management of each aspect of personal and professional development
• At least one technique in the management of each aspect of personal and professional development.

Principles Involved in Management Techniques Involved in Management
a. Performance measurement

b. Personal behaviour

c. Self-awareness

d. Personality traits identification

e. Personal development plans

f. Personal goal setting

g. Task prioritisation

Question 2
Listed below are aspects of personal and professional development.
Complete the table below by identifying the following:
• At least one principle in the organisation of each aspect of personal and professional development.

• At least one technique in the organisation of each aspect of personal and professional development.
Principles Involved in Organisation Techniques Involved in Organisation
a. Performance measurement

b. Personal behaviour

c. Self-awareness

d. Personality traits identification

e. Personal development plans

f. Personal goal setting

g. Task prioritisation

Question 3
Answer the following questions about personal and professional development activities relevant to your industry.

a. Identify your workplace/organisation.

b. Identify at least two common personal development activities applicable to your workplace/organisation.

c. Identify at least two common professional development activities applicable to your workplace/organisation.

Question 4
Complete the table below about technology to plan and prioritise tasks.

• Identify at least two examples of technology used in planning and prioritising work tasks.

For each example identified, explain how each technology identified can be used in planning or

Question 5

Complete the table below:
a. Identify at least two techniques for each of the following:
• Managing health in the workplace
• Managing wellbeing in the workplace

For each technique identified, explain how each technique can be used in the workplace

Question 6

Bounce Fitness is a premiere fitness centre in Australia Access the Personal Development Policy and Procedures and the Remedial Action Policy and Procedure Refer to those documents to answer the questions below.

Access the following Bounce Fitness Personal Development Policy and Procedure document in the link below:

a. Explain the aim of the Personal Development Policy.
b. Identify three training courses available for staff to attend based on the Personal Development Procedure
c. Briefly explain Further Education procedures of the Personal Development Policies and Procedures.
d. Outline the five principles of Personal Development.

Assessment 2-Simulated Environment

Thisassessmenthas a set of tasks that must be completed in a SimulationEnvironment-Bounce Fitness.To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to plan and prioritise own work tasks and monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance.
The simulation Bounce Fitness environment will provide you access to all the resources required to complete this assessment. Please see Resources Required for Assessment and access to Bounce fitness simulated environment (website).
Project Overview
This Simulation Environment project assessment requires you to:
• Develop and implement a plan for own personal and professional development.
• Manage personal and professional development of at least two other individuals.

This project requires you to complete the assessment tasks in using Bounce Fitness as your simulated environment.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions while being observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation as evidence of task completion.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks, including instructions, resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing them.

You are required to:
• Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
• Assist team members development of work goals.
• Facilitate access to personal and professional development opportunities.
• Use technology to prioritise work tasks.
• Identify techniques to manage team health and wellbeing.
• Identify development needs.
• Participate in personal and professional development activities.

Task 1: Assist Team Member Development of Work Goals
Assessment Instructions
Your assessor will observe you as you conduct a meeting with at least two team members and assist them in developing work goals, plans and activities.
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
• Discuss the following:
o At least one role of each team member
o At least two responsibilities of each team member.
• Instruct team members to develop at least one of each of the following according to their role and responsibilities:
o Work goal
o Work plan
o Work activity
• Assess the developed work goals, plans and, activities of each team member if it is aligned with their roles, responsibilities, and organisational goals.
• Provide feedback to each team member based on your assessment.
• Use active listening and questioning when giving feedback.
• Show support to team members as they develop their work goals, plans and activities.
Showing support may be in the form of encouraging or boosting team members confidence during development.
You must complete a meeting minute during your meeting with team members.
Before starting this task:
• Access and review the following:
o Organisational framework for development of work goals
o Job description of each team member
o Organisation's goals.
Your organisation's goals can be found in documents such as:
• Business plan
• Operational plan
• Strategic plan
• Organisation's code of conduct.

• Review the following:
o Simulation Environment Project Task 1 - Observation Form
o Simulation Environment Project Task 1 - Assessor's Checklist
These forms outline the following:
o Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
o All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
o All practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete the observation task.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit a copy of the meeting minutes to your assessor.
As supplementary evidence, submit the following to your assessor:
• Copy of organisational framework for development of work goals.
• Copy of job description of each team member.
• Copy of the organisation's goals.

Task 2: Facilitate Access to Personal and Professional Development Opportunities
Assessment Instructions
This task will require you to facilitate access to at least one personal and one professional development opportunity for each team member from Simulation Environment Project Task 1.
To complete this task, you must:
• Review the goals and plans and activities developed by the two team members in Simulation Environment Project Task 1.
• Organise at least one of each of the following for each team member based on the goals and plans and activities of the two team members:
o Personal development opportunity
Personal development opportunities are activities that aim to improve an individual's qualities and potential. These can include:
• Individual informal study
• Coaching
o Professional development opportunities
Professional development opportunities are activities that aim to improve an individual's performance in the workplace through continuous education or trainings. These can include:
• Skills mentoring programs.
• Shadowing
• Communicate to team members that personal and professional development opportunities are available in the workplace.

This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
You must submit:
• Evidence of organising personal and professional development opportunities for each team member. These can include:
o Workplace Memo
o Email
o Letter of invitation
• Evidence of communicating access to personal and professional development opportunities for each team member. These can include:
o Email correspondence
o Meeting minutes
o Video recording of the meeting conducted with two team members.

Task 3: Technology to Prioritise Work Tasks
Assessment Instructions
This task will require you to use technology to organise and prioritise work tasks and commitments.
To complete this task, you must:
• Access sources in the Simulation Environment where you can identify work tasks and commitments. These sources include:
o Supervisor
o Email containing work tasks
o Task trackers used in the workplace.
• Identify at least one of each of the following based on your workplace sources:
o Personal work task
Personal work tasks are tasks that only the learner is responsible for completing.
o Teamwork task
Teamwork tasks are tasks that the learner's team is responsible for completing
o Organisational work task
Organisational work tasks are tasks that will affect the entire organisation in the workplace.
o Identify at least one commitment based on each identified work task.
• Assess each task and commitment identified.
• Use technology to:
o Organise the identified work tasks.
o Prioritise identified work tasks based on their urgency from the identified commitments.
Technology can refer to the following:
• Shared calendars
• Cloud - based applications
• Virtual meeting technology

This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit evidence of organising and prioritising work tasks and commitments using technology.
Evidence can include:
• Shared calendars.
• Cloud - based applications.
• Virtual meeting technology.
As supplementary evidence, you must submit sources used to access work tasks and commitments in the workplace to your assessor.
Evidence can include:
• Written instructions from supervisor
• Email containing work tasks.
• Task trackers used in the workplace.

Task 4: Techniques to Manage Team Health and Wellbeing
Assessment Instructions
This task will require you to identify and implement at least one technique to manage team health and one technique to manage team wellbeing in the workplace.
To complete this task, you must:
• Research and identify at least one technique for each of the following:
o Manage team health in the workplace.
Team health refers to a collective group's physical or mental condition in the workplace.
o Manage team wellbeing in the workplace.
Team wellbeing refers to a collective group's overall health and job satisfaction in the workplace.
• Complete the tables in the following pages by:
o Listing at least one of each of the following:
• Technique to manage team health in the workplace.
• Technique to manage team wellbeing in the workplace.
o Citing at least three sources accessed to identify techniques to manage team health and team wellbeing in the workplace.
Use the citation style required by your organisation. If there is no required citation style within your organisation, discuss the style you will use with your assessor.
• Implement each technique identified with the team.

You must submit:
• Workbook responses containing:
o Identified techniques to manage team health and team wellbeing in the workplace.
o Citations of at least three sources accessed to identify techniques to manage team health and team wellbeing in the workplace.
• Evidence of implementing each identified technique in the workplace. These can include:
o Workplace memos
o Email correspondence
o Video recording of the technique to manage team health and wellbeing implemented in the workplace.

As supplementary evidence submit the sources they accessed when researching for techniques to manage team health and team wellbeing in the workplace. These can include:
• Excerpts or specific pages with information relevant to research.
• Books or other documents
• Online materials relevant to research.

Complete the table below:
a. List at least one each of the following:
i. Technique to manage team health in the workplace.
ii. Technique to manage team wellbeing in the workplace.
b. Cite at least three sources accessed to identify techniques to manage team health and team wellbeing in the workplace.

Task 5: Identify Development Needs
Assessment Instructions
This task will require you to identify at least two development needs and seek feedback from at least two relevant personnel to address each identified development need.
Relevant personnel may include managers, mentors, human resources officers or learning and development officers in the workplace.
Use Success Performance Plan template provided at the end of this document on Appendix section.
PART A. Identify Development Needs
To complete this task, you must:
• Access a copy of your organisation's performance standards.
Performance standards refer to an organisation's system to identify the accepted level of competence on the job.
• Assess your performance in line with your organisation's performance standards.
• Partially complete your organisation's Success Performance Plan to address these development needs This must contain:
o Learner's reflection on own performance against the organisation's performance standards.
o Identification of at least two development needs.
Development needs refer to areas that the learner is not doing well in comparison to the organisation's performance standards.
o At least one goal for each development need
o Plans to address each development need. Action plan must include:
• At least one personal development activity
• At least one professional development activity.
• Expected outcome.
o Leave the following sections blank. You will complete these in Simulation Environment Project Task 6:
• Actual outcome
• Actual date of implementation
Part B Seek Feedback from Relevant Personnel
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
• Present the following from the partially completed Success Performance Plan:
o Learner's reflection on own performance against the organisation's performance standards.
o Identification of at least two development needs.
o At least one goal for each development need
o At least two action plans to address each development need Action plan must include:
• At least one personal development activity
• At least one professional development activity.
• Expected outcome.
• Seek feedback if presented goals, and action plans address your identified development needs.
• Investigate and use a range of strategies to develop personal competence.

These forms outline the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
• All practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete the observation task.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit your partially completed Success Performance Plan to your assessor which contains the following information:
• Learner's reflection on own performance against the organisation's performance standards.
• Identification of at least two development needs.
• At least one goal for each development need
• At least two action plans to address each development need Action plan must include:
o At least one personal development activity
o At least one professional development activity.
o Expected outcome.
You must also submit a copy of the meeting minutes to your assessor.

Task 6: Participate in Personal and Professional Development Activities
Assessment Instructions

This task will require you to participate in at least one personal and one professional development activity identified in Simulation Environment Project Task 5.
To complete this task, you must
• Review the partially completed Success Performance Plan from Simulation Environment Project Task 5.
• Participate in at least one of each of the following identified in Simulation Environment Project Task 5:
o Personal development activity
o Professional development activity
• Complete the following sections of the partially completed Success Performance Plan from Simulation Environment Project Task 5:
o Actual outcome
o Actual date of implementation

Reference no: EM133693281

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