Explain how each one relates to your major future career

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133557513

Question: Give at least two or three speech topics you're considering for your informative speech. Explain how each one relates to your major/future career (Health Care) and satisfies the requirement of our theme: "Diversity in the Workplace."




Reference no: EM133557513

Questions Cloud

Discuss what information you believe is the best indicator : Discuss what information you believe is the best indicator of the financial health of a health care provider. What does it reveal? Support your assertion.
Are any benefits to you beyond socialization : How can one's group associations be useful in helping you get your foot in the door or get a job (or a better job) once you graduate from college?
Describe three environmental benefits : IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE THREE ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS of eating at a lower trophic level. (Hint: consider the requirements necessary to raise each type of "food"
What accounts for location on social stratification ladder : What accounts for one's location on the social stratification "ladder" in the United States?
Explain how each one relates to your major future career : Explain how each one relates to your major/future career (Health Care) and satisfies the requirement of our theme: "Diversity in the Workplace."
Compare two biomes climate and precipitation : compare two biomes climate, precipitation, species in Canada note for your biome precipitation (min, and max), temp (min and max), and total species
Identify an environmental issue around your school : Define sustainable development using your own understanding after reading what Brundtland Report says about it
How the character is limited in his or her role in society : Identify a character from both a fiction (Chopin or Glaspell) and a nonfiction piece (Torres or Kobabe) that we have read this week.
Explain the purpose of the controversial organization : Explain the purpose of the controversial organization. Does their website promote feelings of resistance from "outsiders?" Why or why not?


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