Explain how digital marketing has impacted how people learn

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Reference no: EM133564932

Case Study: In today's connected world, companies usually develop and maintain a digital presence to provide information that customers are looking for and to maintain and attract new customers. Not having a website or a social media presence can affect sales and the brand's image. This assignment gives you the opportunity to understand why a social media presence is necessary for businesses and to understand techniques that are used in digital marketing across platforms.

Imagine you are a member of the marketing team for a company that offers healthy cooking lessons to clients. The head of the company has been advertising on billboards and in the local newspaper. The classes have not been filling, and the business is struggling. The marketing team has been asked to present new ideas to get new clients. A presentation to pitch that the company advertises on social media.

Questions: 10 to 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you do the following:

  • Explain how digital marketing has impacted how people learn.
  • Explain why a social media presence is necessary for the business.
  • Describe at least 2 social media platforms that the company could use to reach its target audience.
  • Discuss at least 3 digital marketing strategies the company can implement.

Reference no: EM133564932

Questions Cloud

Find friend of the court case related to health policy : Find a "friend of the court" case related to health policy.
Explain how you would recruit your sample : Explain how you would recruit your sample. Detail questions you would ask your participants. Explain issues that may affect quality of your data collection.
Experiencing placental abruption : The nurse is caring for a client after experiencing a placental abruption
Integrity and availability of networked services : Responsibilities regarding computing resources and services while identifying certain unacceptable uses of network resources and services
Explain how digital marketing has impacted how people learn : Explain how digital marketing has impacted how people learn. Explain why a social media presence is necessary for the business. Describe at least 2 social media
What are good guidelines for a good study schedule : What are good guidelines for a good study schedule? What are three tips or strategies that are helpful? Explain how you will apply one of those tips to be
Explain why this opportunity cannot wait until appropriate : Explanation how you plan to manage both the internship course and the rest of your Doctoral Project process.
Which treatment center takes into the account : Read about the development of the P-CAT, a tool created to measure the degree of which a treatment center takes into the account
What parts of your upbringing have impacted way you think : What parts of your upbringing have impacted the way you think about life? For example, if you grew up in a religious household, how were values and meaning


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