Explain how constraints in a system work

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131233958

Global Supply Chain Managament

Question: Explain how constraints in a system work. Find an example of a constraint you have encountered recently in your everyday life-whether at work or shopping. How did the constraint affect you? What would happen if the constraint was removed?

You need to write four pharagraph assignment as a respond of these questions.

Reference no: EM131233958

Questions Cloud

What was its total holding rate of return : A project lost one-third of its value each year for 5 years. - What was its total holding rate of return? How much is left if the original investment was $20,000?
Discuss the elements of a swot analysis : Write a 250- to 400-word explanation of the following: Discuss the elements of a SWOT analysis. What elements to all SWOT analyses have in common? Why might some be different?
Example of a current global corporation : Question 1: Choose and evaluate one example of a current global corporation and how they managed their global organizational structure.
What are the benefits of risk-based approaches : How does Risk information change depending on different decision-makers? Describe one scenario and explain how different decision-makers (e.g., a facility manager, a governor, a public health official, or a federal infrastructure protection offic..
Explain how constraints in a system work : Explain how constraints in a system work. Find an example of a constraint you have encountered recently in your everyday life-whether at work or shopping. How did the constraint affect you?
What is the 2 year total interest rate : If the per-year interest rate is 5%, what is the 2-year total interest rate? -  If the per-year interest rate is 5%, what is the 10-year total interest rate?
Work without asking the expertise of their art designers : The managers of an advertising company are not asking art designers to revise their own work but the managers themselves do the revision of the art work without asking the expertise of their art designers.
How profitable is the industry in terms of return on sales : How profitable is the industry in terms of return on sales and return on equity? DO NOT USE AN "INDUSTRY" METRIC SUCH AS MIGHT BE FOUND IN YAHOO FINANCE.
Find the required inlet pressure and the exhaust temperature : A small air turbine with an isentropic efficiency of 80% should produce 270 kJ/kg of work. The inlet temperature is 1000 K and it exhausts to the atmosphere. Find the required inlet pressure and the exhaust temperature.


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