Reference no: EM133669631
At a workplace there is a woman who injured herself while working. Packages come down the line and certain packages go on one side of the conveyor belt and certain packages go on the other. The conveyor belt is about an arm's length long. While separating the packages, some of them got stuck and she "heard a pop" in her shoulder and now comes to work when she wants and never does anything. Upon her return to work, after her injury, her co-workers would help her out but over the past week, her manager has noticed a change.
Her manager has been told that the entire time she is there she complains non-stop about everything to do with work. Two of her co-workers have been complaining bitterly (behind her back) about what they see as preferential treatment for her and her lack of work ethic.
Their manager has come to you, the HR manager, for help in determining what to do.
1. Using the following components of Attribution Theory to explain how the co-workers have come to dislike this co-worker: Distinctiveness, Consensus, Consistency, Internal/External cause.
2. We know that people make attribution errors when determining the cause of another's behaviour. The following attribution errors may have been made: Fundamental Attribution Error, Halo/Horn Effect, Selective Perception, Projection, and Contrast Effect. Explain what each means and how each may have contributing to these co-workers now complaining about their female co-worker.